Chapter 10

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Mark pov

I feel get out of the bed for the fifteenth time tonight. The baby just won't let him sleep. I roll over to see Jack head to the bathroom almost bumping in to the wall next to the door. He turns on the light and closes the door behind him.

I wait for him to come back because I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Wait, the clock says 4:30am I lied I'm going back to bed. But then Jack comes back out and crawled into bed.

"Morning."I say.

"Did I wake you?"He asked curling up to me.

"Yeah."I say wrapping my arm around his bump. He was kicking a lot, it felt like he was boxing or something.

"I'm sorry."He said placing his cold hands on top of mine.

"Don't worry about it."I say.

"Okay, it's just he likes to kick my bladder or hit my stomach."He said.

"I can feel that."I smile slighty as little taps were hitting my hand. Jack was starting to dose off when the baby kick really freaking hard.

"Ow."Jack said sadly. I look at his face and see he was extremely tired but couldn't fall asleep. I know just the thing.

"Hey Hunter, Momma's trying to sleep, you should sleep to."I say to Jack's stomach.

"Thanks for helping but He's not sleeping."Jack mumbled. I then thought of something else.

I started to hum a soft tune. A relaxing tune. A lullaby if I must, and soon the babies kicking stopped.

"Thank you."Jack said.

"Your welcome."I say back.

"How do you do it?" Jack asked.

"Do what?"I respond

"How do you make him fall asleep so easily?"He asked.

"I don't know, I mean I have nieces but they don't go down for a nap easily, so I sing to them and I always works."I answer.

"Okay."Jack yawned. He then shifted his position and placed his head on my bare chest. His nose nuzzled in my neck.

"I love you."He said.

"I love you more."I say back. He was out by the time I said that. He looked so peaceful. I still can't believe someone would hurt someone like Jack. He's such a beautiful person, he, he can't be explained in words.

"I will always be here Jack."I mudder before I fall asleep.

Jack's pov

I awoke to a sleeping Mark. I smile at his scrunched up face.

"Your so perdiful."I say quietly rolling over to look at the clock on my nightstand. 10:26 am.

"Mark usally wakes up at 9, what's up with that."I say. I slowly roll out of bed and head downstairs. I feel a all to familiar tapping in my stomach.

"Good morning Hunter."I say happily as I walked in the kitchen. The kicks were continues as if he were talking back. I smile and reach for a pan. I don't know why we put things in high places, I mean we're not that short, I'm 5'9 and he's 5'10 but the cabinets are really high up, we have a step stool in the kitchen because of this.

"Ugg, ha ha, that didn't take all my strength."I joke to myself. Grabbing a box of pancake mix. I place the box on the island and get if the step stool. I find the cookie cutters and dump them out on the counter.

"Okay what's Halloweenie?"I asked myself.

"Santa Claus."I laugh putting it back in the container.

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