Chapter 4

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Elena And Caroline approached the dinning table slowly, as the reached the table. They were shocked at whom the found sitting quietly before them.

"M'lord, look likes your hungry?" Teased Caroline and Elena widened her eyes at the comment and give Caroline a slight pinch on her back.

"Call me Kol, no need for formalism" Kol said smiling at both of the girls.

The sisters sat down and waited for their father to arrive, and soon enough he was there.

"Good-Evening, Kol" King Henry said looking at Kol and taking the center seat of the table. Elena and Caroline were beside each other and Kol was sitting across from the girls. Kol repeated the same words with a nod.

They were all waiting for Klaus at this point, but he was nowhere to be found. Elena looked at Caroline; who turned to her as well whispering. "Where is he? I know he is a lord but how dare he make us wait so much". Elena smiled bitterly at Caroline then turning to Kol to see if he had heard, but he was simply smiling at the girl, so Elena returned the smile.

Suddenly Caroline heard footsteps and she could swear she recognized the steps, it was Niklaus! It had to be, she shrugged. What is wrong with you Caroline, what the hell are you thinking. she thought to herself, and soon enough Klaus appeared at the table.

"Good evening everyone, sorry for the delay I had some business to take care of" He explained.

Elena was mesmerized by his smile. He is so charming, she thought to herself. But that's when she was distracted by her father's voice. "No apologizes necessary, M'lord" with a smile.

Klaus took a seat beside Kol, and right across Elena, he was trying so hard not to make eye contact with Caroline and he succeeded because somewhere deep inside Caroline wanted the something.

As they begin to eat, everyone was quit. But Elena kept glimpsing at Klaus, which made her realize that he was staring at Caroline while she was looking everywhere else but at him.

How could someone be so graceful, he thought. Then shrugged suddenly to find Kol stirring at Elena, he went back to his dinner in no time.

Soon enough the dinner was done and the king had left for his chambers, but had demanded Caroline and Elena keep the guests accompanied.

They were all now seated in the living room; Elena was sitting across Kol and almost beside Caroline, while Caroline was seated across from Klaus and beside Kol. They were all quite but Kol broke the silence.

"Are we playing, who can stay quite the longest?" He asked jokingly and Elena and Caroline laughed at his joke. That was when Klaus witnessed something unreal; his heart skipped a beat looking at the blonde's smile. Damn it, how could she possibly have such affect on me? This is ridiculous.

" So M'lord, what do you like to do in your spare time" – Elena asked Klaus

"Not much, besides ruling Nola" he replied immediately.

" He paints, draws, and sketches! That sort of stuff" Kol interrupted them with the comment.

" You're an artist"? Asked Elena with an impressed expression.

"You can say that" said Klaus without any expression and looked at Caroline, who was busy looking around the room at everything but him.

Caroline was feeling so anxious under his watch; she couldn't believe what she was feeling. I feel like me and Elena has switched roles, she is socializing and I'm quite? Need to get out of here as soon as possible! There is something extremely wrong with me. Her thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the voice of Kol.

" What do you like to do in your spare time, Miss Elena"- he asked very interested.

" Not-much, I read" – Elena answered quickly

Meanwhile they were conversing all Klaus could think about was if someone was going to ask Caroline what she liked, lets be honest he was not interested in anything else. Something caught his attention suddenly; it was Caroline… who had gotten up.

" Excuse me, I want to rest! Have your-selves a wonderful night" She said quickly and left.

Soon after her departure everyone else also went to rest, At last Elena couldn't be with two men alone, she was only there because her father asked her too. Kol couldn't sleep so he decided to go to Klaus room.

"Nik! Are you awake?" he asked.

"Yes, what is it?" A voice came from the dark.

" I cant fall asleep, may I join you" he asked bored.

" Yes, not that I am having any fun, but yes you may" Klaus said without any movement. Kol walked into the room, to find Klaus at his window, staring outside.

"What's the matter brother"? Asked Kol suspicious at his brother's behavior.

"Nothing is wrong Kol, stop digging! Will you?" he said calmly.

" Fine. Caroline is stunning, isn't she?" Kol said sitting up on Klaus's bed.

" Say another word and I'll tear up you're liver" Klaus said furiously facing Kol.

" Come On Nik! It doesn't have to get dirty, I was asking a question. But I can see the answer clearly" Kol said and got up to leave for his room.

Caroline woke up to regret what she had done the previous night, and got ready for breakfast to make up for her mistake. She couldn't do that if she wanted a Yes from the king. So she got ready and was about to leave for the breakfast table when something caught her attention. It was a piece of paper on her table and she suddenly remembered that it must be her mother's letter. She walked to the table and picked up the letter.

" Dear My Dearest Caroline

I'm sorry for leaving without informing you, but I must be with you're grandmother, in her last days. My dear, do not worry about anything. Everything will be fine and I will return as soon as I have fulfilled my duties here. I hope to see you when you have also fulfilled your duties, I just want you to know I am so Proud of my beautiful brave daughter, thank you sweetest Caroline.

-Your Proud Mother ( Liz)"

Caroline breathed heavy after reading the letter, and was suddenly disappointed at her. I must get the king to say yes, and I have done nothing for it yet. Mother will be so disappointed. Thought Caroline but she suddenly smiled and said, " I have 5 more days to get a Yes, I promise mother you won't be disappointed". Caroline immediately put the letter down and left for the breakfast table, she was going to do anything and everything to get a yes from Klaus. She would have sworn she run to the table but she was suddenly left devastated by what she found.

Klaus was not there, Elena and Kol were conversing with a confused look in their faces while father was smiling but also looked a bit confused.

"What's going on?" Caroline asked finally finding her voice.

"Klaus has left for New Orleans" said her father.

And suddenly Caroline felt the ground moving under her feet, as if it didn't want to support her anymore.

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