Just a Dream

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Meleina knew all days must come to an end so she closed out of YouTube, closed her laptop screen, and wrapped herself in her blankets. She shut her eyes and thought to herself what it would be like to meet a youtuber. Like Ricky Dillon, Andrea Russet, Missy and Bryan Lanning from Daily Bumps... or even better, the Dolan Twins. Meleina adored the twins with everything she had. When she was 15 she went through depression and the only thing that made her happy was Ethan and Grayson's vines. Once they started YouTube, Meleina stopped being depressed and loved life. The boys made her realize her worth and that they cared for her. When she found out that they lived in New Jersey just like her, she always wanted to "run into them" while out and about. It never happened though. She is now 17 and a junior in highschool. She still loves the boys.

(Meleina's POV)

My parents told me were going to LA for 3 weeks this summer. I freaked out knowing I will be close to the twins again. Summer is only 3 days away so that gives me three days to prepare. With luck like mine, me meeting Ethan and Grayson will never happen. 

After 3 days of waiting to leave NJ, I finally arrived at LAX with my mom, dad, and 5 year old sister.  We got our luggage and headed to the hotel right near Santa Monica. One of my internet friends from Cali was pretty close to where I was, so we met up at the Pier. Her name is Alex and she is the sweetest girl ever. This was our first time meeting so I was extremely nervous yet excited. I was a little late arriving at the Pier but it didn't matter because when we saw each other the hype level was through the roof. We couldn't stop smiling and laughing. We walked down the board walk stopping in stores and taking pictures for Instagram. It was around 8 pm so we went to a frozen yogurt place to get something to eat. The talking and giggles didn't stop the whole night until we walked out of the frozen yogurt place. I walked out the door with my head down to look where I was going.  I held the door open for Alex and she held the door open for two guys. They both said "thank you." I stopped and froze. Those voices, they were Ethan and Grayson's. I looked up, turned around and saw the twins. 

"Ethan and Grayson?" I acted calm but Alex, uhm, not so much. She went from laughing to crying and giving them a hug before they could turn around.

"Oh hey guys!" Ethan said as he started to laugh.

"OMG i love you guys so much. You don't undertand." Alex was freaking out and I was so shocked at what was happening.

"I love you too." Grayson and Ethan said in unison. " What are your guys's names?"

"I'm Meleina and this is Alex. Can we get a picture?" 

"Of course!"

We took the picture and it looked great. I showed it to Gray.

"Woah, I've never seen a picture where everyone looked so perfect. Send that to me."

That was kind of weird. He wants me to send it to him? He wont get my dm or snapchat so how else would I send it to him. Wait, he wants me to ask for his number. 

"Yeah, what's your number?" I asked with a smile.

"It's (323) 269-4123."

I put in his name as Grayson with a heart and he saw. 

"Oooh I get a heart beside my name. I guess I will have to do that with your name too."

I smiled, said thank you and left the store. After we walked out of the shop, I sent Grayson the picture and he texted back

"Thanks gorgeous". I squealed and Alex looked at my phone. 

"Do not let his number get out."

"I won't."

Me and Alex went our separate ways and I got to the hotel around 9. I put on some pj shorts and a tank top then hopped in my bed. I turned on the TV to play "The Vampire Diaries" in the background. I got on my phone and saw Grayson posted the picture of us. The caption was "Met some cuties at the yogurt shop".  I liked it, commented two hearts and kept scrolling. About 5 minutes later, Grayson texted me.

I had a room to my self so I wasn't disturbing my parents and I knew nothing dirty was gonna happen between me and him

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I had a room to my self so I wasn't disturbing my parents and I knew nothing dirty was gonna happen between me and him.

I couldn't see him while wearing pj's so I put on what I had on before expect my hair was pulled in a pony.

I couldn't see him while wearing pj's so I put on what I had on before expect my hair was pulled in a pony

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I opened the door when I heard the door and he greeted me with a hug.

We both sat on my bed and talked. He was over for about an hour and a half. Before he left, he got kind of quiet.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing's wrong Meleina, I just feel bad for barging over. I just thought you were really pretty and sweet. I wanted to get to know you. When we met, you were different than other girls. I like different."

"Awh Gray. Don't feel bad. I am happy you wanted to know me."


"Well yeah. It sounds creepy but like you helped me so much and watching you grow up with me makes me smile."

"It isn't creepy. It's cute."

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Well I should get going before Eth starts worrying."

I walked him over to the door and gave him a hug.

"Text me when you get home safely."

"I will." We looked into each others eyes and smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back, obviously. Mid kiss, I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and heard, "Meleina, it's 10 o'clock, wake up." That's when I woke up, realized it was all just a dream. And, I was late for school.

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