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Harry stared at the paper while Sirius read over his shoulder. The older man made a sound similar to a growl in the back of his throat. Meanwhile Remus's jaw dropped in shock. Appearance potions were highly illegal. They altered your appearance, unlike its younger brother the polyjuice potion that only made you look like another living person temporarily. He couldn't believe that they all had been lied to.

"From my understanding, James was also dosed with a memory potion and love potion. Miss Evans had come to me asking for the antidote but there was none then." Griphook commented lazily.

"Take down the wards." Harry demanded suddenly. "All of them."

"Are you sure pup? That will cause a great deal of pain to you and quite possibly whomever your mate is to be." Sirius suddenly went from growling to complete seriousness.


"I don't care. This morning it felt like I was standing in fiendfyre. And here I find its because of some wards on me? That were effecting my inheritance? Take them off." Harry growled. "And call Snape. Get him here and explain everything."

"Okay." Remus sprinted out to the nearest owlry.

"Mr. Potter this will hurt immensely but step in the middle of the podium." Griphook instructed.


"What is it you want me for, Lupin?" Severus appeared in front of the werewolf.

"Harry came into his inheritance this morning." Remus said quickly. Severus's face paled.

"He knows?" The black haired man whispered.

"That you are his actual mother, yes. He's back with Griphook and Sirius having the wards removed." Remus sighed. "He asked me to owl you. Come on." The two men started back the twisting halls. "Why didn't you tell us you were an actual Prince?"

"James knew. That was all that was necessary." Severus replied softly. He turned into the room the others were in just in time to see Harry collapse on the podium. Abandoning all other reason, Severus rushed forward to catch Harry before he hit his head. "Harry? Harry?" Severus brushed away Harry's hair which had darkened to inky black, exactly like Severus's, to see the familiar green eyes blink up at him. Only they weren't the same as before. They were darker, a forest green instead of emerald. Harry smiled weakly at him. "Oh thank gods." Severus breathed before hugging Harry to him.

Harry hugged him back, all previous hatred for the man pushed to the back of his mind. Finally he pulled away and looked at him, his...mother. "Why did you keep this a secret?" Harry asked.

Severus brushed some more hair from his son's face before replying. "I had to protect you. Dumbledick threatened to kill you if I told you. And I'm sorry for being such an ass to you. I had to. He wanted you to hate me and I couldn't fight back because he had everyone believing he was the good guy while I couldn't be trusted." He explained, diminishing what hate Harry hid. "I don't mind if you don't for-"

"I forgive you. It was to protect me." Harry cut him off with another hug.

"Okay, so you had to keep it from Harry because of the imposing threat of him dying but what about us?" Sirius spoke up. "We would've wanted to know that our best mate was mated to you. And that Harry wasn't Lily's."

"I wouldn't be shocked if it was for the same reason that he didn't tell me and Sirius, you were in Azkaban. How was he supposed to get that information to you?" Remus spoke.

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