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"Excuse me."

The music is too loud for anyone to hear me but I say it anyway. Bodies move to the beat and the loud bass vibrates through out the house. Someone bumps into me and my drink spills all over my top.

I go to the kitchen and find Amy playing a game where someone has to lick or drink the alcohol of one's body. Damn I really need to go out more.

"Please remind me why I'm here again," I tell her as I try to dry my shirt.

"Because you were complaining how bored you were and so I brought you here. Look I'm not that big a fan of frat parties but make the best of it yeah?"


I roam the house and avoid the drunk hands and arms that reach for me. I laugh when this guy leans to my side and falls.

I find the stairs and walk into a room and lock the door. Its simple and white, with one bed in the center. I decide I might as well take a nap since Amy wont be leaving soon. I swear I had just closed my eyes when there was a loud bang.

"Fuck! Open up!"

I scramble of the bed and open the door.

"Finally! What the hell are you doing in my room?"

I don't know why but I start to laugh. I don't know the guy so I just leave him standing there and head down stairs.

"Fae! come here!" a drunk Amy waves.

"Wanna play?"

"Nope. I do however, wanna go home." There are a bunch of people gathered around the living room.

"Mmm. this is Jesse and this is.." She slurs.

"Harry," the guy answers for her.

"We are going to play a game, so pick a partner." Someone explains.

"I pick... Jesse."


"What? Talk to someone new." She whispers to me.

Everyone picks a partner and no one has picked me yet. By the time everyone goes my eyes are falling shut.

"C'mon partner."

I feel someone grab my arm and I look up.

"Let's play," he smiles.

I stand up and ask him what his name is.

"I already told you, do you have short term memory?"

"It appears so."


"Hmm. Well Harry I'm tired. Can you pick another partner? I'm not in the mood to play."

He smirks. "Are you sure you don't want to play?"

I look at him weirdly and he just waves me off.
"Since I'm nice enough I will lead you upstairs to a room where you can sleep."

I honestly cannot keep up with him because he talks so fucking slow and im on the verge of falling asleep standing up.

"In here."

I lay down on the bed and to my surprise he doesn't go downstairs to go back to the game. He takes of my shoes and his own, and slides in next to me. My eyes then close.

a.n. do not worry i promise this is not going to be the typical college fanfic where they always go to parties and drink and have a violent harry :-)

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