Mithross- Player vs. Boss

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Whoo!! Book two!! Can't wait to see where this ends up in a few years. Remember to leave suggestions! Love you all!!



Max sat upon his throne, his armor gleaming in the torchlight. Everyday it was the same thing, people come, they fight and they almost always lose. His sword sat against the throne, waiting.

Every day, people of a low level managed to pass by the others but he stopped them, never wanting them to retrieve the precious thing he held dear to him.

He glanced around his throne room, his eyes flickering over the torches and the worthless gold scattered around. Suddenly the large door at the end of the hallway, making the villain stand up.

"Why do you come here?" Max asked, standing up and grabbing his sword. The players eyes widened as he looked around the hallway.

"Whoa..." He mumbled as he walked forward the armored boss. The door closed behind him, making him jump slightly. Max looked at him curiously. The player wore the simple armor they gave you at the start and had a level two sword, not even one of the good types.

His hair was brown and his curls fell perfectly into his face. Thin rimmed glasses sat on the tip of his nose, making him look innocent. His bright blue eyes stood out the most, catching the eye of the ginger.

"Why are you here?" He asked once more, making the player jump again, facing the throne. Max glanced up at the name, seeing his name was Ross_The_Squirrel .

This made the powerful boss chuckle. "I um..." The brunet started to say. "I, I wanted to explore." He said sheepishly.

"How did you get passed the others?" He asked, knowing his friends would gave stopped this beginner.

"Well... my friend helped me. He died at the last one though..." He said softly. The boss hummed, impressed.

"Well, you want to fight or would you like me to end your life so you can respawn?" Ross's eyes widened as he looked at the boss then at the sword he was holding.

"No harm in trying right?" He said with a smirk as he got into a battle stance. The boss let out a loud laugh before showing off his level twenty magic sword.

He saw the male stiffen slightly but it soon faded. Max then lunged at the player, making a thin gash on his side. Ross stumbled back soon dragging the sword on the armor. 

Max stood up, a smirk on his face. "You know, that didn't hurt..." He said chuckling. He saw Ross's face pale.

Soon the fight continued. Ross was throne from side to side, while Max was barely scratched. Ross leaned against the smooth rock wall, his body shaking and blood slowly dropping down his body. Max was impressed he managed to stay alive for so long. 

"Can you keep fighting." He asked. Ross pushed himself off the wall, nodding. Max was highly skeptical. He was shaking and he couldn't even hold his sword properly. 

Max sighed and threw his sword to the ground, making the player's eyes widened. "Look, just because I'm your enemy doesn't mean you have to lie to me." Max said, walking over and picking up Ross. 

The low level sword fell to the floor with a clang as Ross's arms wrapped around the males neck. He was shaking and his blood stained the blue and gold trimmed armor. Mac carried him to one of the side doors in the giant room. 

Ross soon feel his body come in contact with something soft, making him go limp. He heard rustling then a soft hand on his shoulder. "I can't really fix you if you're laying down." Ross sat up and looked at the high level boss before him. He was kneeled on the ground, holding a med kit. 

Ross winced as he spread the clear liquid over the many cuts on his legs. Ross's breathing was deep and labored, from the fighting. 

Max tried to be careful with the cuts but they were very deep. He jerked his head up when he felt the players soft hands touch his helmet. "What are you doing Squirrel?" The player looked scared, like he did something wrong. 

"I just wanted.... I wanted to see what you looked like." Max was silent, yet intrigued. 

"Alright, just let me work, okay." He said softy as he wrapped some bandages around the cuts. He felt the helmet slip off of his face, making the cool air come in contact with his skin. 

"Whoa..." He heard Ross say softly. He looked up at him, seeing his eyes wide and his face flushed. Max chuckled softly then went back to his work. 

Soon Ross was patched up and ready to head back to spawn. Ross looked up at the ginger, many emotions danced around his eyes. "Ready to go back?" Max asked.

Ross looked at him then hesitantly nodded. "I promise, once I'm a better level I'll come back and see you again." Ross said with a smile.

Max smiled back, "I can't wait to see you." He said.  Ross hesitated to push the spawn button that appeared before him. He looked at the ginger and smiled. He then suddenly leaned up and gave him a kiss on the lips. The ginger stiffened and before he could speak up about, the player was gone.

A blush appeared on the ginger face as he slipped on his helmet and made his way to the throne room once more.

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