Vladimir and Raven

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"What do you think about this forRaven?" You asked holding out a cute little shirt that was in ababy doll style that was black with cute white stars stitched in thefront with a chic black and red thick belt.

"She'd love anything from youName," Vladimir assured as you raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think she'd like itthough?" You asked as he looked at you and you sighed. "You twoare so hard to shop for! No wonder you're twins." You shook yourhead and chuckled, you loved them but they were hard to buy for. TheLupei Twins were so much alike, like two halves of the same whole,the family resemblance was shocking.

Both had reddishbrown hair, brown eyes (so they claimed but they were red) and paleskin with a strange sharp canine which made the Romanians look likevampires. Both wore knee high brown-red boots, a white shirt andblack tie and black leather gloves. Vlad wore black pants while Ravenwore black tights underneath a light pink skirt, they had similar redcoats and black belt, Vladimir's was longer than his sister's anddouble breasted, while Raven's was let unbuttoned beneath the belt.Both had matching mini red top hats, Vladimir wearing his on his leftside and Raven on her right. Vladimir's hair was to his shoulderswhile Raven's was to her waist which she always had in pigtails.

Both twins weresweet, kind and energetic. That was probably how Raven ended up asyour best friend and you ended up falling in love with Vladimir.Smiling you shook your head and put the shirt back on the rack.

"Your right, shewouldn't like it." You said sighing, you liked their fashion sensejust fine. You quiet liked the more traditional ways, the loveletters Vladimir would write to you and the tea parties you wouldhave with Raven. Personally you thought the gentleman/lady stylereally did suit them. But finding things they may like was such apain.

You made strawberryshortcake for them, every (Christmas/Yule/Hanukkah/etc), theirbirthday you made two little personal cakes for their birthday, aswell on Valentines day, a friendship one for Raven and a romantic onefor Vladimir.


In truth a part ofyou felt more for Raven then mere friendship. You didn't understandit and you felt horrible about it, you didn't get freaked out for herbeing a girl, but it was because not only was she your best friendshe is the sister of your boyfriend. That's why you felt guilty.

You smiled andrubbed your shoulder, "well maybe we should head home? We can findsomething else for her." You grinned, "or I can go home and seeif the two of us can find something for you." You giggled happilywhile you thought of it. Vladimir grimaced slightly, what you didn'tknow was that he and Raven were the same person. He never wanted itto become this, he kept it a secret from everyone, the only one whoknew was his little brother and his childhood friend, Damien, who wasfrom Bulgaria and the two had been friends since they were in diaperspractically.

From the time hewas a child he felt like a boy, yes, but sometimes he also felt likea girl. He couldn't explain it, the fact was he just felt like a mansometimes and a woman others. It had been Damien who, when they wereten, suggested that he sometimes dress as a girl, to be whichever onewas right to him. With that he created Raven, and she was him, just adifferent name.

He hadn't meant tokeep it a secret from you, but he had never had to tell anyonebefore. It wasn't something that he just came up to someone and said"Hi, I'm Vlad/Raven! I am genderfluid! Sometimes I dress as awoman/man who I claim is my twin sister/brother." In truth hehadn't even had heard of genderfluid until well into this twin thinghe did.

So now he had totell you, he had been planning as he grew closer to you as Raven, butas he fell in love and you returned his feelings he knew he had totell you. However every time he did he would get scared and ended upwimping out.

Now what was hegoing to do? As you got to the Lupei Siblings home, you were planningto spend some time with Raven. You looked as Vladimir gripped yourwrist, he didn't say anything, instead pulling you close and kissingyou passionately.

"V-Vlad...?"You whispered when he pulled away and were able to catch his breath.

"Dragosta...(Darling...)"he whispered stroking your face gently with the back of his hand. "Ihave something I have to tell you Name."

"Your scaringme."

"Mi dispence.(I'm sorry,) it's not that bad. Just sit, it's okay." He kissedyour forehead, and headed upstairs to where the bedrooms were. Yousat down on the seatttee and gripped your hands. This wasn't howVladimir usually acted, it was strange nad out of character for him.You looked up as you heard footsteps, you thought it would be him butit was Raven.

"Oh Rae," youstood and went to hug her, "what's wrong?" You asked as you sawher face, it looked heartbroken and you were starting to really getworried. You hugged her and rubbed her back a bit, pulling away shesuddenly kissed you. Not thinking you kissed back, relaxing beforeyou realized and jumped back. "Wh-What?"

By this time shewas crying and you felt bad, you loved her you realized. But you alsoloved Vladimir. And it was tearing you apart. You backed away slowlystarting to cry and Raven put her hand in her hair and pulled it off.

You blinkedshocked, a few tears slipping from your (eye color) pools. "Draga,(sweetheart,) I am Vladimir and I am Raven...I never meant to nottell you this. I...I am sorry, but it's who I am. If it meant not tolose you then I'd push this side of me down." He promised lookingat you worried that he'd lose you, he loved you so much.

"So...you areVladimir and Raven?"

"Da. (Yes.)"

"Uhm...it's onlyme right?" You asked and he was confused by that, did you meanwere you the only one who he had told? However you soon cleared thatup for him, "you are my boyfriend as Vladimir, you're not anyone'sgirlfriend as Raven?" He paled and shook his head.

"Nu Name! Nu! (NoName! No!)" He promised taking your hand, "only you, I only loveyou and I'd only be with you!" He promised and sighed calming down,"I just sometimes feel like a woman, usually I do feel like a man.I would only be with you, but I understand if you wouldn't want to bewith me as Raven, or never do it again. I promise, I care more aboutyou." You sighed and went into his arms, laying your head on hisshoulder.

"As long as it'sstill you I don't care. Te iubesc (I love you) man or woman. As longas you are you, and I'm the only one." She then giggled slightly,"I wouldn't been okay with it if you wanted to be my boyfriend asVlad but have a lover as Rae or something, but I'm okay with youwanting to dress and be known as a woman, though I might slip up andcall you Vlad when your Raven or Rae when your Vladimir. Deal withit." You smiled and giggled then felt his chest, He blushed as youlooked up at him, "They feel pretty real, how is that?" Youlooked so curious and cute he didn't know whether to kiss youpassionately or to hug you and squeal about how cute you were.

"Padded bra."He answered blushing but gave a laugh. "That is such a Nameresponse. That's why I love you so much; you're such an accepting andlaid back person." He then kissed you gently and held you tightly.

After doing afew of these I decided to try to have one where Reader-chan doesn'tcatch her lover changing but instead said lover, who happens to beRomania, confesses it to you. I'm not sure if I liked how it turnedout.

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