~Was alone now!~

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It was a hot day of summer I leave alone in my house.
My parents die and I have to live alone with nobody around me.
I went for a walk and see someone in the distance.

"Where are the humans?",the woman said.I was looking at her from the tree hearing everything she was saying.I fell and the woman see me now."There a human,but a young one",she said.I was suprise.I grab the nears thing."Get away from me I know how to use this",I said.The woman grab my hand I was scared."Who are you",she said."I am Serena who are you",I said."I am yellow diamond",she said and I was thinking why she had yellow skin and while I start to back away from her.
She holds my arm tight,"where do you think your going human,"she says and I try to find something to hit her.
"Well your holding my arm really tight and what's that behind you"I say to her.She looks around and let goes of my arm.I start to run to the woods and runs to my house.

I went to hide and I heard the door open.I stay quiet and doesn't make a sound."Serena where are you",she said.I was trying to get out pf the house now she was guarding the door.
Then went to the back door and run to the forest.I found a cave and went inside.I grab my phone and text my friend claudia what happened today.That someone was trying to kidnap me.

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