my dream

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I was in a town... I didn't even know of it.

I was sitting next to this guy. he had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He was beautiful.

He took over the city and turned himself into this animal... somehow  he turned himself into  a shapeshifter... I still loved him but needed to escape so I made a deal with him.

the deal was if I could get out in 30 minutes that he would let me go but if I couldn't I had to stay with him forever. so I ran in to the house and I grabbed every gun I could find that I could carry on my person.

I also grabbed two butcher knives they were about the size of my arm and then I ran out of the house we were staying in and and I started killing people...

but these people weren't like any other people they were diseased like they were controlled there was no way to manipulate them, no reasoning with them. they were all under control by the man I fell in love with, so I killed as many of them as I could and I jumped the fence I had surrounded the city but then I ended up in my backyard.

so I ran back to him because I knew if I stayed behind that I would end up killing myself because I couldn't live without him...


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