another dream.

5 0 11

As you can tell, I rarely have dreams. This one was... fucking awful.

I had woken up in an unfamiliar house, it smelt like fresh blood was everywhere. I realized I couldn't see, but I hadn't been blinded, only blindfolded. I started o move, my limbs slowly waking up as if I had been asleep for a thousand Years. Who blind folds someone and doesn't restrain them? Obviously someone who wants you to see everything. I decided to remove my blindfold. After a few seconds of fiddling with a knot I managed to get it loose and take the blindfold off. My eyes stung, even though the lighting was dim. When my eyes adjusted I noticed that I was laying in a king sized bed, the corpses of my parents laying right next to me. They still looked like they were alive and that scared me the most.. so far.  I shot up in a panic and realized that's what I was smelling. Someone had killed them right before I had woken up. I felt the tears stream down my face as I stared at my dad, but realized I had a much more important thing at my hands. I had to get the fuck out right now. I checked the two doors on the opposite rooms and one was a bathroom with a tub filled with xannax and heroine needles. The other room was a closet with a noose and a gun. The gun had a full magazine but I knew it would jam, because it was the gun i had attempted suicide with. The noose was just a representation or something along the lines of that. I set the gun back down, glancing down at the floor to find my favourite tool. A chainsaw was sitting down n the floor, with a full tank of gas. I picked the saw up and walked over to the main door, twisting it to see if it was locked. To my surprise it wasn't, but i held the saw in my other hand, ready to start it and fuck some shit up the second I grabbed it. I walked through and saw a typical horror house. The walls had been painted with blood and spelt a special message just for me


I was livid. This fuckfaceMcGee thinks he can just kill my parents without getting a chainsaw through his chest? Well, he's fucking wrong. "I KNOW YOUR LISTENING YOU FUCKER. TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE SO I CAN NAIL YOUR SCROTUM TO A WALL AND HANG YOU BY IT."

I took the chainsaw and started it, holding it with both hands and only dropping one of my hands from it to open a door. I went through a few doors before finding the living room and stepping into it. I saw stairs leading up and down, so I thought like a serial killer, because I was about to become one, and went into the basement. It was all concrete as my footsteps echoed down the stairs. When i reached the bottom I threw the door open to find a figure. For some reason i couldn't see his face but i just knew he was the one who did it

"Congratulations Vernon, you found me. Do you remember me yet? You said that you loved me. Do you still love me?"

I glare at the man and sigh, dropping the saw that I wanted so badly to use.

"Who are you? I can't see your face. I don't recognize your voice, your fucking body doesn't even look familiar. Why did you kill my parents? Where am i?"

"You'll know who I am, in time sweet boy, in time. I killed your parents because you said you didn't think they loved you anymore. I'll kill anyone who hurts you, and i'll make sure they suffer. But for now you have to wake up. Your dad is coming to wake you up in  5..4..3..2..1.. goodbye"


And then I woke up. I don't know how long it's been since this dream but I just remembered it. I don't want questions on if I'm ok, because I am. Goodnight everyone, and I hope you have better dreams than I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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