Chapter 11

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/"We are here to save you."/

Felipe and Olivia met up with Chad by the border security between Crescenta and The Capitol, all dressed in the governments official uniform. They all looked tense and focused. Olivia nodded towards the two guys by her side and they followed her further into The Capitol.

It felt like forever but also not long enough when the black square building finally towered up in front of Olivia, Felipe and Chad. The sun was reflected in the building's dark side of glass.

Olivia squinted up at it as they walked closer and closer. She took a deep breath and silently recited her favorite quote to herself, to get some extra strength. "Brave is the sailor who embarks on stormy seas."

"Did you say something Olivia?" Felipe came closer to her as they approached the building and started to walk around it to the back.

Olivia shook her head and Felipe saw the worry on her face. He gently touched her arm. "You don't have to do this. I bet me and Chad can manage on our own, if you just show us how to short-circuit the eye scanner."

Olivia shook her head again. "No, I want to do this. I need to do this."

Felipe nodded and all of a sudden they were all standing in front of the entrance to the governments security center.

Chad, who was the tallest of them all, hurried to the door and quickly turned the security camera to the side so it didn't face the eye scanner any more. Olivia immediately fished up the three electric cables from the inside of her shirt where she had hidden them and started to connect them to the eye scanner. When she was done, Felipe handed her the taser. She intertwined the ends of the three electric cables together before using the taser on them. The eye scanner went black and Olivia quickly took out the crowbar from her pant's leg and gave it to Felipe. She got to hide a lot in her uniform since it was a little too big for her.

"Now, hurry! I don't know how long it will be down."

Felipe and Chad started to pry open the door while Olivia gathered all the things connected to the eye scanner. She took a few deep breaths to try to calm herself down, Olivia's heart was racing in her chest.

It didn't take long before Chad and Felipe had pried open the door. Chad turned the security camera back towards the eye scanner and then they all hurried inside. Felipe left the crowbar inside by the door, hoping that it would still be there when they returned, in case they would need it.

Even though no one was seen down in the parking garage, Olivia put her index finger over her mouth and let out an almost inaudible "shhh." Then she motioned for Chad and Felipe to follow her over to the other end of the garage and into the elevator. She clicked on a button marked with 3 and the elevator began it's descend upwards.

Olivia didn't really know what to expect when the elevator doors was going to open, maybe a bunch of guards running towards them with their guns drawn? But a totally empty corridor wasn't one of her alternatives. Less staff during the weekends feels like an understatement, Olivia thought while she walked with purposeful strides through the corridor.

Part of their plan was to walk out separately from the elevator, it would be kind of suspicious to walk three guards in a line, like some sort of mean girls squad, for no particular reason. And since Olivia needed to short-circuit the eye scanner to Kayden's cell she had to go first.

It pained Felipe a little bit to see Olivia walk away all alone in this dangerous situation. He just hoped that nothing would happen to her while she was alone.

Olivia wanted to run through the corridor to be able to find Kayden faster but she had to contain herself since it would look suspicious in any security cameras. She threw glances through the small windows in the cells she passed, trying to find Kayden, all while her heart started beating faster and faster.

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