c h a p t e r 4

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I wake up in my bed, I jump up and run to check on Dustin. What happened? Deshawn sets Dustin's plate down infront of him.

"Morning mommy," I catch my breathe.  I look at Deshawn with disgust.

"Morning baby," I kiss his forehead.

"Daddy made breakfast, "

"I see," Deshawn smiles. Was that a dream or all real? it felt real. Deshawn smiles at me, still has that smile that could make a girl melt. What am I doingI hate him. "Dustin when you are done go get dressed,"

"Where are we going? ,"

"Too see Amaya, " His face lights up.

"Okay," He continues to eat.

"Asia, I made your plate," Deshawn says.

"Okay...," It wasnt a dream, I see my bag on the ground. I walk back into the room and Deshawn walks in. "What the hell is wrong with you?," I ask him.

"Nothing, I just thought what I did last night was wrong,"

"It was," I said.

"Im sorry, and I honestly want us to be a family,"

"Too late for that. You just think that you can show up here after 6 years and expect for me to forgive you?,"

"I understand, If thats how you feel I will leave right now?," I look at him. His eyes, his gorgeous big brown eyes. I study his features, his jaw bone. His lips. Stay with me Asia.

"Leave," I say.

"I'll go tell Dustin," He walks out. I sigh and follow him.

"No! Daddy stay," Dustin starts crying.

"Dus-," I try to comfort him. He is really hurt right now.

"No!," He runs into his room and slams the door.

"Happy?," Deshawn asks me. "Happy seeing your son cry?," He gets mad.

"Really? no," I pick up his toys.

" He needs his father," He says following behind me.

"Once I feel that your ready to see him. I'll let you know,"

"Hes my son too Asia! What you gon' get some lame nigga to watch him? To be his new daddy? Dustin will always remember who his father is,"

"I never said that," I said nonchalantly. 

"That's what im comprehending," I roll my eyes. "Now Dustin is fucking pissed,"

"Im doing this for our security.  Its not safe for Dustin to be around you right now Deshawn, " I put Dustin's toys away in his toy box.

"Safe? What the fuck you think Imma do to him?,"

"Do what you did to me," He shuts up.


"I dont want to hear your lame ass excuses Deshawn. Your a pussy, okay. So get your shit and go,"


"Just do it damn. Like fuck!,"

"I'll be back," he nods and grabs his stuff.

"Bye bitch, " I wave.


"Is Dustin okay?," August asks me.


"Whats wrong?,"

"His dad came back,"

"What you mean? Deshawn? ," He asks concerned.

"Yeah," His eyes widen. I tell him everything.  "Then I tried to get Dustin away from him then things got all bad," he shakes his head. "He smothered me with a pillow. I passed out and I woke up and see him making breakfast," August is caught off gaurd. "Yeah; and then he said he understands if we wants me to ask him to leave, I told him to leave. he told Dustin was mad and he is just really hurt,"

"He'll be alright. I'll talk to him,"

"Thank you August," He wraps his arms around me and smiles.

"No problem," He rests his head in the crook of my neck.

"Did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?," he asks me, causing me to smile.

"No, thank you," I play with his fingers.

"Get used to it," I smile and lock our fingers together. 

"Mommy look," Dustin says hanging upside down.

"Be careful baby!," I yell.

"Aww what are good mother you are, you know I respect single mothers," I smile.

"Thats great, "

"Knowing me and you, you wont be single forever," I blush and look down. The he makes me feel, speechless. I smile and turn around to face him. He moves the smallest sttand out of my face. "I know this may be too soon, but I would like to kiss you," I giggle.

"I would like to kiss you too, " We act as 5th graders. Our gaces inches apart as our lips meet. Its as if everything stopped around us. It was just us, our lips taking over. I draw back and smile, he licks his lips. I grab his face and kiss him again, wanting him more.


"Asia, do I mix it now?," Amaya asks about the cornbread.

"Go ahead," I help her and August and Dustin walk out of the room from a long talk.

"Can I help?,"

"Of course pumpkin," I kiss his forehead. He pushes me away.

"Mommy stop it," He laughs, I smile and toss the towel down.

"What did you guys talk about?," I ask him.

"Dont worry your pretty self about that," He touches my chin and walks past me.

"No Dustin like this," She stirs the cornbread.

"Tell him girl, " She blushes.

"He doesnt listen,"

"Hey!," Dustin nudges her.

"Hey Dustin to your room now!," I spaz out. "Never put your hands on a female," I start seeing him as Deshawn.

"Babe its fine, she-," August says. Dustin looks at me then storms off into his room. I run my fingers through my hair, my hands shaking. Just the thought of Him turning i- OH MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL! "Baby calm down, okay,"

"Look August, let me handle my child okay," I shake my head. "I was perfectly fine before you came, " I mumble,  I walk into the restroom.  I lock the door and look at The Pills.

Prescribed for Justine Hayes.

My grandmother's pills.

Take no more than 1 every 24 hours.

I pour 2 into my hand and dry swallow them.

Trials and Tribulations {An August Alsina Story}Where stories live. Discover now