Chapter one

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Ross pov
Im still grieving over Rydel's death even thought two years has gone by she was my bestfriend i used to have alot of friends but Dell's death hit me harder than anyone else i was put in a mental institution for three months after she died and i decided it was best to close everyone out im now an outsider at high school and everyday i honor delly by wearing her sunflower crown

She was in a car crash with me and my mom but she was bleeding internally i on the other hand, only managed a few scrapes my mom had a concussion nothing a few stitches couldn't fix at first Rydel was fine i went to talk to her and she said that she was okay and for me not to worry the machine starting beeping crazy and she started shaking violently i called the doctors the had to drag me out the room cause i wouldn't leave i kept fighting and screaming i sat in a corner holding my legs rocking praying that delly was gonna make it i ended up passing out

I woke up in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV and mom crying "momma what's wrong"i said i knew it was bad news but first i wanted to check on delly i called the nurse and she took the needle out then gave me a spiderman bandaid i started dragging mom out her chair "momma we gotta go see delly "mom didn't move i pulled again and again i started getting angry i walked off to go see delly she was laying on the bed not breathing she wasn't hooked up to the machine i walked in i touched her skin it was icy cold i felt her chest her heart wasn't beating

I started crying and smashing things screaming "she's not dead delly you can't leave me"i hugged her and picked he lifeless body up and ran out the hospital and back home i couldn't have her buried underground i laided her in her bed sprayed a whole lot of perfume i put a lock on the door and kept the key under the floorboards no one's taking my sister from me i stayed in the room with delly all day i layed next to her playing with her fingers she was dead and still looked so beautiful i looked at her sunflower crown on the dresser and put it on vowing that i would wear it and give it to my children so delly would always be in our lives 

Days with her turned into weeks then months mom made a hole in the wall connecting my room to delly's so she can give me food and clothes i took showers in delly's bathroom in her room then i will lay in the bed next to her she started to disintegrate the only skin left was her face i don't know if their was skin under her hospital gown and i respect her too much to check i gave her one last kiss on the lips before all was left was bones every night i wished she would come back to life and hold me a week later i started to go crazy i would get angry and smash things and yell at my mom i even set my room on fire i grabbed delly's bones and picked her up walking downstairs laughing crazy i called my mom telling its a fire and that i caused it because the walls were talking about delly

"Ross its time for you to let delly go"mom said i didn't want to they took her from me and put her in a pink casket and set her into the ground my mom cried and security held me back as i screamed they stuck me with something and i was knocked out i woke up in a hospital gown in a room with a tv a tray of food and a big glass mirror which a door was next to everyday for three  months my therapist would ask me how im feeling or if i still miss delly and expressing it helped in a way of course i still miss her but im not crazy

Two years later im back to being myself im gay and im a senior in high school all old friends don't talk to me anymore because i wear my sister's flower crown and it's embarrassing so im basically an outsider everyday before school starts i sit on the grass and talk to delly in my head she always answers me and says that she was happy that i took her dead body from the hospital she said it showed how much i cared i noticed this boy was new cause he looked around lost so i called him over "are you new to the school or you just not good at reading directions"i said making him chuckle "im new to the school and do you know where the office is"he said looking around "first your early the school isn't opened yet and yes i can take to the office on my way to math"i said smiling

I can hear delly in my head saying Awww my sister geez "sorry for not saying my name its Riker"he said "its cool im Ross"i said cooler than ice

Riker's pov
On my first day i met a new friend Ross the kid with the Sunflower crown

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