chaper 3 the new house

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My mom finally got a job and a house for us and when we moved to that house it all started. My aunts weren't their to stop my real mom she started drinking she had other guys in and out beating me. She started beating me and 4 in the morning before work she would beat me til I got up to make her coffee. I remember one time that me and my brother were cleaning and she lost her cigarettes. She said me and my brother stole them and started chasing us with a metal bat threatening to bash pur head into concrete if we didnt find them. They were in the bathroom the whole time.

One time we were outside and she had one of her guys were over and my cousin kept pushing me off the porch onto rocks and it hurt so I told him to stop well the guy heard me and started yelling at me and beating me for it.  She never bought us food we would starve because she bought alcohol for her and the Gus and drugs for my uncle and his friends.

One night my aunts and uncles stay the night and so did my step cousin and I can remember this whole day we were playing house earlier that day and my brother told me and my cousin to go in the back and act like we were having sex and I told him no thats nasty. Then later that night when my cousin stayed I woke up to him molesting me I tried moving away he followed and my family has got him molesting dogs and pillows and they said it was funny so he thought it was a joke and did it to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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