I was only falling in love

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"Kj a little help here" Camila yelled hoping he'll hear her. Kj tumbled over his bed making his way over to the bathroom door "Is everything alright?" Kj concerningly asked " I kind of left my clothes in your room so i was hoping you'd kindly grab them for me" Camila said as she rested her back on the door "yeah, um if it makes you feel better my sister left some clothes here so you don't need to wear the same thing you wore yesterday" Kj said as he smirked and ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah, i think that's better" Camila said as she moved away from the door

Kj sprinted to his wardrobe getting some of his sister's clothes which were seemingly casual. He placed them in his hands and walked over to the bathroom door "Open the door i have a delivery to make" Kj sarcastically said. Camila quickly opened the door and snatched the clothes from his hands "Gracias Keneti" she jested "now, now what did we say about that word?" Kj said as he moved an inch closer to her "let's not do this now" Camila said as she moved him away using her index finger "fine, fine" Kj sighed as he gave her one last smirk before turning away.

Camila shut the door and smiled to herself thinking how lucky she is to have met someone like Kj. Camila observed the clothes Kj had handed her, they weren't that bad they were actually quite great so she just hesitantly slipped them on.

"Camila let's get to set" Kj announced as he arranged himself in the mirror "i'm here" Camila beamed as she placed her hands on his shoulders and squeezed him to her chest "Well that's a great welcome, can i get more of these?" Kj implored sarcastically "We'll see about that" Camila smiled to herself as she grabbed Kj's hand leading him to the door

The sun was blazing and everything seemed perfect as they made their way to Kj's car. Kj opened Camila's door and led her in as she started panting after having  raced Kj down the stairs earlier. "Shit we have to get there in like 10 minutes" Kj mumbled "Then buckle up for a fast ride" Camila giggled as she arched her back to the seat.

Kj quickly grabbed the steering wheel with his muscular arms as he arched his back to the seat and licked his lips in a seductive manner.

Camila's Pov

It mesmerises me, how hot he looks every time he clenches that steering wheel, every time i look at him in feels like time has stopped just to give me a minute to appreciate his beauty. 

They finally arrived on set after all the obstacles they went through just to get here, to this exact moment. "Heh, we're finally here" Kj quickly said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. They exited out the car and made their way to work, the most monotonous place on Earth. Everyone was there, they seemed to be having fun; talking, laughing and just generally doing things every person does. They were quickly greeted by Lili who made their way up to them "You're late, as usual" she giggled as she put her arms around both of them leading them to the sitting area where all the cast were sitting.  "Oh look if it isn't Kj and Camila, late as usual" Cole said as he sucked on his bottom lip and started to play with his hair. "Oh come on we aren't even that late "Camila said as she sat down next to Cole "I'm with her on that" Kj added as he sat down next to Camila "Aren't you always?" Cole said as he wet his lips

An announcement echoed all over set asking everyone to attend to the table read "Let's go guys" Lili said as she took Camila's hand leading her next to her "So... Kj and you are-?" Lili questioned before she was interrupted by Camila "No, of course not!" Camila denied as she slightly blushed "Oh, come on i know you Camila, i can also tell when you're lying to me" Lili said as she tightened her grip on Camila's hand giving her reassuring eyes "I don't know" Camila sighed "You don't know what? I'm sure he's into you, he looks at you like he's looking at a queen" Lili said as she pulled Camila closer to her giving her a friendly squeeze "I'm unsure whether we should pursue what we have this could uproot everything we've worked so hard to achieve" Camila said in a disappointed tone of voice "If it's genuine feelings you feel then go for it, time doesn't wait Cami and he won't be single forever so you need to show him you're into him" Lili said as they made their way to the room where the table reads take place. Camila smiled at Lili thanking her for her advice as they made their way to their seats labelled with their character's name. Cole and Kj finally caught up with them and sat in their seat. Lili raised her brow at Camila as Kj took his seat and Camila quickly started giggling to herself.

Everyone quickly glared at their table where they had their new script, everyone quickly started flipping through the pages in curiousity. "Ohhhh Veronica and Archie are going to be getting it on again i see" Lili said sarcastically as she looked at Camila "What where?" Kj and Camila demanded to know "Calm down you two, it's just a simple scene it's on page 4" Cole said as he leaned his back on his chair "At least it's not another sex scene" Camila said whilst running her fingers through her hair "Why? I thought you liked shooting them" Cole said as he bit his lip and winked at Camila "No, they're exhausting" Camila sassily responded to Cole "But i always make them better ay?" Kj said in his pure accent "Oh shut up you idiot" Camila giggled as she hit Kj with her script "Ouch!" Kj said as he playfully hit her back "Hey! Knock it off" Camila giggled as she nudged Kj's chest playfully "You two read your damn scripts, i'm almost done with mine and you guys haven't even started" Lili said whilst interestingly reading her script "Look who's talking, you're usually on your phone looking at memes" Cole responded as he knocked the script out of Lili's hand "Hey give me that!" Lili said as she reached for her script "Well can you blame me? I'm the meme queen after all" Lili said as she flipped her hair "Don't get cocky Reinhart" Camila said as she nudged Lili's arm "OH MY GOD GUYS GUESS WHO'S GONNA DIE" Cole said as he flipped out of his seat

End of chapter 6!

Yes i tried longer chapters! AND WHAT A CLIFFHANGER AM I RIGHT? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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