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[01] ROMAN REIGNS:you have feelings for the samoan cutie and finally get the guts to tell him

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you have feelings for the samoan cutie and finally get the guts to tell him.


The way Y/N's eye lit up with admiration at the mere act of simply listening to the Reigns boy talk about his day was obvious to everyone -- everyone but him. To the whole Divas division, some friends and some foes of Y/N, it felt as if there was a gigantic neon sign above Y/N's head reading "IM IN LOVE WITH ROMAN REIGNS" as her body language was basically screaming out her true feelings.

This is why Seth Rollins, despite his tense relationship with Roman at the moment, found a heroic quality in him to push Y/N to confess her feelings to the fresh champion.

"Y/N, come on." Seth urged her  for the billionth time as the pair hung out in Y/N's dressing room with him sprawled across a tiny couch she had and her fixing herself up at her vanity for a match. "You can't just keep living in the shadows, not knowing what he feels for you. I mean, don't you ever wonder what would happen if he knew?"

Y/N groaned in annoyance at the sound of those words, already tired of hearing it from all her Diva friends each time Roman came up in casual conversation. She glanced at Seth through the lit up mirror, raising an annoyed eyebrow at him as she reached for the pink tube of mascara sitting beside her hand.

"It's not," Y/N paused mid sentence as she quickly applied the mascara on both Y/E/C eyes. "It's not as easy as everyone thinks it is. I mean, what if he rejects me and our friendship just goes down the drain? I'll have to live with awkwardness each time I pass by him, Seth."

"And what if he doesn't, Y/N?" Seth exclaimed, jumping off his spot on the once comfy couch and making his way over to Y/N'a vanity.

Loudly placing a hand on the table, he caught Y/N's attention as she shot him an exasperated look, ashamed to admit that their little chat had maybe actually made her consider confronting her crush about her feelings. Placing both her own hands on the table, she rose up and stood in a way that seemed as if she was challenging Seth.

"Look, all I'm saying is that I can't just go up to him and say 'Hey, I really like you, let's go out sometime-"

It seemed as if in that exact moment, luck betrayed her or rewarded her, depending on the view.

Roman had shown up to her door, opening it without knocking due to a habit her developed as their friendship grew, and had only heard half of her sentence which started at hey. His bold personality refrained from stopping his expression from falling at the confession he thought he was witnessing, making the pair glance over at the door in shock.

"Seth? Of all people, you like Seth?" Roman inquired, his tone laced with heavy tones of distaste which offended Seth and confused Y/N.

"This is my cue to leave." Seth announced before slipping out through the space between Roman and the door.

As much as he wanted to pester Roman and ask him what was up with his tone at the mention of Y/N liking him - what could possibly be wrong with liking him? - he decided to leave in hopes that this opened the door of opportunity for Y/N. Roman simply just glanced behind his shoulder at Seth striding out of the room before focusing back on Y/N.

She allowed herself a moment to take a deep breath in before turning around to face the Samoan man she seemed to be in love with, heart eyes practically appearing on her face at the beautiful sight. With his wrestling attire on, exposing his lovely tattoos and strong arms, it was by far one of her favorite sights.

"You have bad timing, Reigns." Y/N broke the thick tension between the two old friends, masking the excessive anxiousness she felt deep down inside for what she was about to do; finally tired of having to constantly hide her feelings from him.

"You like Seth?" Roman repeated once again, still in disbelief at the scene he thought he just walked into, as he softly shut the door behind him.

His dark eyebrows were furrowed in both confusion and slight betrayal as he awaited her response. The feelings he shared for his fellow Divas wrestler seeming completely irrelevant now since she has declared feelings for the man who had betrayed him, unknowingly disappointing him more than he let on.

"No, I don't like Seth." Y/N corrected his faux assumptions while Seth's words of just going for it repeated in her mind, aiding in her courage to force herself to step towards him with his tall figure towering over her much shorter one until they were a foot apart.

"But I just heard you say-"

"It's you, Roman." " Y/N interrupted him, hesitantly placing a gentle hand on his chest, the rough feeling of his best grazing her palm. "I like you, Roman. Seth was just trying to help me in telling you because I've liked you for so long and I just couldn't find a way to tell you."

Now that the truth was out in the open, her doe eyes longingly looking up at Roman as she awaited a positive response. The fact that he hadn't pushed her away yet was good for her but his silence wasn't helping her anxious self either. It only took him a couple of minutes to respond but it felt like ages to her.

"Oh." Roman said, his face relaxing as he took in her words. "Oh."

"Is that weird? Did I just ruin our friendship? Listen, you don't have to like me back-"

Y/N's frantic rambling to save the situation was quickly cut off by soft lips pressing against her own, her eyes widening for a second before they shut in the blissful moment. There'd been numerous occasions where she daydreamed about this exact moment and now, now she finally got to experience it first hand and it was way better than anything she could've pictured.

"Wow." Y/N breathed once they parted, remembering to thank her friend later for his advice.


i hope that was good for a first 😤
pls keep leaving requests, it's nice to finally find a place with this fandom. no one i know irl likes wwe :^(

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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