5th DESTINY (intro)

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Assalamualaikum..hey everyone🙋

I hope u guys really enjoy my 1st story..N also hope 4 ur support n encouragement 4 this story. Any judgements of my story..plis judge it nicely. If anyone feel annoy with this story n wants to mess with my story, then go ahead..im oky, coz i am an easy person. I dont like to make enemies..i just want to make friends. But u are going to mess with my others two friends which also give some idea bout this story😊

Sblum tu..jom kte kenal² dulu dgn watak-ii dlm cerita ni.


Raisa Amisya Byonzella Bt Dato' Isaaq
-kacukan korea+amerika
-23 thn
-talented in music n archery
-unpredictable & a mysterious person
-caring,cantik,memahami,lemah lembut,
sometimes act like a kid n kinda be cold
-hard to get into her life..but once u grab
the chances, im pretty sure that u are the
luckiest person. Gettin' to know her; is
hardful, knowing her; is beautiful..

Amarah Batriesya Bt Dato' Amar Hyun
-kacukan korea
-23 thn
-talented in handball n music
-cantik,dingin,baik hati,peramah dgn kwn²,
always take srs in everything,suka pendam
perasaan,sometimes funny n kinda act like
a mom
-suka bt org sentap & x gemar membaca

Armel Aisya Bt Dato' Ryu Affendi
-kacukan korea+jepun
-talented in dancing n badminton
-happy go lucky,cantik,sometimes too
sensitive,talkative,can be out of control if
something happen dkt org yg dia syg
-she kinda act like a different person after
de incident that happen 9 years ago
-times can changed people into a different
person; as she was

Hafira Alisha Bt Dato' Arshad Lee
-kacukan korea+cina
-23 thn
-talented in dancing n sword
-secretive n seductive
-kasar,dingin,a little bit boyish,gila²,happy
go lucky,berani,kuat mkn,suka tunjuk ego
dpn lelaki
-wlupon luaran dia nmpk kasar tp
hakikatnya dalaman dia pula sebaliknya
-suka pakai cap, x kira ke mana pon
even g shopping pon. Wlupon dri segi
pemakaian dia cam lelaki but dia still
nmpk feminin n bergaya

Danifah Airysha Arabella Bt Dato'
-kacukan korea+british
-23 thn
-talented in dancing n swimming
-cantik,caring,gila²,kuat mkn just like Fira,
a little bit annoying,x suka perempuan
gedik,clumsy,suka sakat org
-klu sehari x duduk diam x sah, msti ada je
something yg dia nk dibuat (buntut bisul
-a straightforward person
-the most things that she hate in her life is a
liar n betrayer


Oky..bt pengetahuan anda smua. Sya cuma intro watak² prmpuan je dulu. Klu nk tau sape watak² lelakinya..Kenalah tggu next chapter ya..Sya akn dedahkan satu persatu rahsia disebalik cerita 5th Destiny ni.😏
Act this story is 76% real while the other 24% pulak, hnyalah cerita yg ditokok tambah oleh sya dan kwn² sya. Smua watak² ni pun wujud, but i already changed their real name..

So..sesiapa yg dh baca story sya n korg rasa story line dia menarik n menepati cita rasa korg..Tolonglah,ringan²kan jari korg utk vote★saya yee!🙏🙏Insya allah, jasamu akn ttp ku kenang duhai syg..😘😹 Tak lupa juga promotekan lah sekali story sya kt kwn² korg yer¿👌

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