chapter 61: No regrets.

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Yulia's Pov:

"Meet me in the park, we need to talk."

I read the words on my phone over and over as I walked toward the park that was just a few miles away from where I lived, wondering just what Lena Wanted to talk about that she couldn't tell me that morning.

Maybe she had found someone else, maybe I really wasn't worthy of love, maybe Tori was right. Maybe not even Lena could love me now.

I tried to mentally prepare myself for everything that could be the reason Lena wanted to meet with me, though when I saw Lena sitting there alone I suddenly felt a familiar tightness in my chest, tears pushing at the backs of my eyes though I did my best to hold them back.

You could just be overreacting Yulia. she’s not Tori. If she was going to call it off she would just do so, she wouldn’t bring you to a public place to do that!

I tried to convince myself, though that voice in the back of my mind kept reminding me of the humiliation that Tori had put me through, her words echoing in my mind as I attempted to steel myself for whatever Lena was going to say or do.

“hey, You said you wanted to see me?”

I asked as I came over, noticing that she suddenly looked shy as she pulled something out of her pocket.

“you know how Tori treated you like shit and how….well...You are so afraid that we will end badly?” she began, looking down at the box and I noticed how her hands trembled.

“yeah, what are you saying?”

I asked in response, nearly choking on the words.

“I wanted to get you something for your birthday but I couldn’t figure it out. Irena helped me decide so if you hate it, blame her.”

Lena began before handing me the box that she had taken from her pocket, slowly handing it to me.

“I just wanted you to know that no matter what, I will always be here for you. Even if we don’t work out as a couple. I love you Yulia, deeper than you probably realize and I would literally do anything for you.”

She continued as I opened the box, seeing a ring sitting in the valvetted sponge.


I began, risking a look at her as she smiled and stood up.

“A promise….That I will always be there if you need me. Forever and always.”

I couldn’t hold my tears back then, though now I was crying for a whole different reason as I took the ring from it’s box, slipping it on before I pulled Lena into an embrace.

“and I will always be here for you too.”

I managed to respond lamely, feeling her chuckle as she pulled away.

“I know.”

She then leaned in, her lips meeting mine. Her touch gentle, not forceful like Tori’s had been. I don’t know how long we stood there in each other’s arms but I became suddenly aware of someone gagging near us, and as we turned around we saw Irena.

“If you’re going to PDA go check into a cheap hotel!”

She was teasing, that was easy to tell because of the grin she had on her face.

“Irena, go call one of your many suitors and shut up.” Lena retorted before intertwining our hands once more, pulling me toward where her car was parked.

“if you don’t want us to leave your ass here to take the bus, get your ass in the car Irena!” Lena called over her shoulder, laughing when Irena responded

"Are you sure you two idiots aren't going to fuck in the car? Because I definitely do not want to see that!"

Much later that night we were sitting in our room, Lena watching some kind of documentary on my laptop when she suddenly glanced over at me, removing the earbuds before she asked, her hand going to mine.

“why did you look so scared at the park today?”

She asked, causing me to sigh and turn away from her to stare up at the ceiling.

“Tori would get me out in public and say things. Either threaten to break up with me, break up with me or point out my flaws. I guess one part of me was afraid that would happen again, even when I know you’re nothing like that.”

I answered, feeling Lena shift beside of me so that she was laying beside me, our hands still intertwined as she pressed her lips to the back if it

“I would never do that. Our problems are ours alone, not some sideshow.”

She stated, causing me to roll my eyes.

“I said I knew you were not like that!”

I retorted before adding

“besides that, everyone knows that you get embarrassed too easy to do something like that!”

I was rewarded for that statement with a pillow in the face.

“It’s so on!”

I laughed as I lobbed it back at her, though of course I missed.


She teased, pushing me backward onto the bed before pinning me there.

“Oh really? So I suppose you want something for winning?”

I couldn’t help but retort, earning a laugh.

“maybe but I can just take that.”

She retorted before kissing me, pulling away only seconds later as the phone rang.

“Great...Lenka, can you get that?”

I groaned, causing her to laugh.

I watched as her eyes grew wide at whatever the news was before she fumbled to put it on speaker phone.

“Ivan, I put you on speaker. can you say that again?”

She requested and I heard him sigh before he responded

“ why didn't you do that in the first place? Anyway, You two should Pack your bags and get ready to go to America, they want you two to perform at the California pride festival. We'll stay for a week, give you two time to sightsee.”

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