have you ever wondered what it would feel like to touch the sky?
S- I wanna know what the clouds feel like
M- i would think the sky is nice and warm from the sun but not too warm because the moon helped make it too and the moon is cold
S- I'd say about the same. It's a nice temperature. It's almost perfect. Not too hot or too cold.
M- i think everyone is lying when they say the clouds feel like cotton or whatever
S- What do you think they feel like?
M- i think they'd feel like the texture of a fresh leaf but mixed with the texture of cats fur, but when you feel it, it kinda moves away with your hand as a guide
M- and the sky feels like water
S- yah like they'd be soft yet textured and very wispy
S- exactly
M- but the sky would be the type of water that is completely clear with all kinds of creatures like the stars
S- I agree
M- the sun would be a whale and it's very majestic, like the moon, but the moon is majestic in its own simplicity, it's so simple and that's what makes it perfect
S- The moon is so simple and that makes it so perfect. You don't have to go all out or have a lot of things to be beautiful, and the moon is a great representation of that
M- while the sun on the other hand is more complex and it works harder at its job, and although sometimes it works too hard, it is still appreciated
M- and that's why the moon is like the eyes because that's the one part of the body where no one sees a mistake, have you ever heard of anyone being made fun of their eyes? they just shine and hold hold so much emotion and so much passion in them that they are just like the moon. they are majestically simple.
M- if people do get made fun of, it's because of their eyelids. the eyes are to the eyelids like the earth is to the moon, simply there to protect
S- The sun is almost like the lips; they are very intricate. You don't see at first glance, but if you look closer, you see all the lines and expressions of emotions they can hold. That's truly beautiful how the moon and the sun work together to form days like your eyes and your mouth come together to form a face.