part 1

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Hey im y/n im 15 years old I transferred at a new school in town

Y/n-your name


Mom:honey wake up
Y/n:5 more minutes mom
Mom:your gonna be late y/n
Y/n:ok mom

You do your morning routine and walk to the kitchen

Y/n:mom im done
Mom:eat your breakfast
Y/n:yes mom

You it your breakfast and go to your mom

Y/n:mom ill be going now
Mom:okay honey bye love you
Y/n:bye mom love you too

You leave and you reached the school

Y/n:wow this school is so big and cool

You walk inside and start searching the school office and someone hit you

???:look what we have here the transferred girl
???:sorry for hitting you i didn't watch what i hitting to
Y/n:its alright
???:my name is

Part 2 sorry for the short story

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