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Pretentiously, we embraced lies;

words we've made ourselves believe.

Rather than coating our differences,

lets disagree to agree.

The victors act as though they never won,

deep down, they long to scream aloud;

to make known to the losers their place,

just common victims of the game.

The vanquished living like all is well,

deep within, they think of the best spices,

in garnishing that glorious cold dish,

to serve the oppressor a palatable revenge.

The poor mask their hatred for the rich,

the rich pretend like they don't despise the poor,

equality is misinterpreted to be equity;

the victor may soon be vanquished.

The greater light rules the day,

and the lesser, rules the night

yet, they are equally essential;

time I then say, is of the essence.

Each and everyday, we hear its voice,

its presence is felt in words and actions,

it paints a picture, drawing us from table to field;

preaching scratches that may outlive us all.

One day, the hunted will turn against the hunter,

Bush meat, they say, will catch the hunter,

that day, the monkey will not return from the market

and the wolves for safety, would hide in Sheep's skin.

Just then we would realize,

line upon line, precept upon precept;

we were trying to win the war by denying it

but the war has crept up on us.

Perhaps, the war is yet to begin,

in rejoicing we celebrate our mileage;

our blindness, soon shall receive sight;

for the war has won us.

©Admiral Grant.

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