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After Stars birth 13 years ago

Nurse: congratulations your majesty you are now the father of a gorgeous, healthy baby girl.

River ran into the room with joy. When River entered the room he saw moon holding a little baby in her arms. River and Moon both agreed to name their child Star. Soon all of Mewni heard about the new princess. Even Eclipsa heard about her new great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great granddaughter. One day Eclipsa came into the living world. As Moon was putting Star into her crib Eclipsa watched and began to move in as Moon walked to her room. Eclipsa picked up the child and began to run to the door. Glossaryck sees Eclipsa with Star and quickly goes to alert the king and queen. Eclipsa quickly ran with the young princess in her arms when she is stopped by River. Eclipsa pushes River away and opens the door to escape with Star. Eclipsa makes it out the door who is quickly followed by Moon, River, and Glossaryck as they follow Eclipsa into the woods.

Will then King and Queen get their daughter back or will she be lost with Eclipsa to raise her to be evil. Found in the next chapter.

Star vs the forces of evil Eclipsa returnsWhere stories live. Discover now