Looking for Star

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Moon's POV

Me and River continued to run after Eclipsa. This must have been my punishment for not paying my end of the deal with years ago. I still run after Eclipsa but suddenly she disappears. I soon begin to loose hope but a hear a baby crying in a nearby cave. The crying came from a baby girl. It was Star! I called River over to try to find Star in the cave. We searched in the cave for an hour when we found Eclipsa and Star.

Drop my daughter at once monster.

If you insist.

I watched as Eclipsa drops Star as hard as she could and blood begins to poor out and Star begins to struggle to breathe from shock. Eclipsa runs away. I drop to my knees as I see Star's eyes clothes and her breathing becomes shallow it was too hard to see her like this and tears begin to stream down my face.


What happened to the princess.


Hekapoo: ( picks up Star)
I got her.

Soon I faint I think. When I awoke I was in the castle and hear some heartbreaking news.

Lekmet said that the princess has lost to much blood and if she doesn't wake by tomorrow evening she will be dead.

I begin to cry yet again because I'm about to loose my daughter who wasn't even a week or a month old.

Will Star survive read the next chapter on Wednesday July 26th to find out what will happen next on Eclipsa Returns.

Star vs the forces of evil Eclipsa returnsWhere stories live. Discover now