Curiosidadades de Jeff The Killer:

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Jeff The Killer se quemo los parpados para cuando se vea al espejo no parpadear y apreciar mejor su "belleza"

Se corto su sonrisa porque estaba cansado de sobreir todo el tiempo

Le gusta hacerles sonrisas como las de el a sus victimas

Se dice que la sangre que contuene en su capucha es la de su sonrisa

Le gusta hacer bromas con sus victimas como...asustarlas,etc

Esta en contra del maltrato animal

Tiene un Husky Silveriano llamado "Smile" tiene una etapa normal y otra demoniaca que es cuando se enoja,casi nunca va con el

Le gusta asustar a sus victimas estando en el suelo,en armarios o en ventanas

Se dice que entra por ventanas y puertas


Bye bye


Jeff The Killer burned his eyelids so that when he sees the mirror does not blink and better appreciate his "beauty"

He cut his smile because he was tired of getting up all the time

He likes to make them smile like his victims

It is said that the blood contained in his hood is that of his smile

He likes to make jokes with his victims like ... to frighten them, etc.

It is against animal abuse

He has a Silverian Husky named "Smile" has a normal stage and another demoniac that is when he gets angry, almost never goes with him

He likes to frighten his victims by being on the floor, in closets or in windows

It is said to enter through windows and doors


Bye bye

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