There's no one quite like you.

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James POV------------------

After the prefect had shown everyone the staircase to the dorms, James headed up the stairs, smiling when he reached the top and saw the 6 beds, and the gryfindor colours drapped across everything. There were several windows around two walls of the room, and the moonlight cast a faint glow over the room. He walked in, and found his trunk already by a bed, and flopped backwards onto the bed, grinning.

Sirius, who had followed directly behind him did the same, and then began laughing.

"Whats so funny Sirius?" James asked as he sat back up.

"Well, my family are complete slytherin purebloods, so imagine the looks on their faces when they find out im in gryffindor!" Sirius replied, causing james to start laughing. They continued chatting about their families, and got onto the topic of pranks they'd played on house elfs, and family members.

"I think we're going to be great friends sirius, and we're going to have a very fun year" James said, with a mschevious glint in his eye.

"I think we will James!" Sirius replied.

As they spoke, the other 4 boys came into the dorm from the common room, and sat on their own respective beds.

"Hi, I'm James" James introduced himself to the other boys.

"I'm Sirius" Sirius replied, in the most serious way possibly, causing the boys to laugh.

The short, brown haired, slightly rounded boy introduced him self as Frank Longbottom, causing a smirk from sirius, and a eye roll from frank. The next boy was Peter Pettogrew, and James personally thought he looked like a fat mouse!

"I'm James Heron, but please call me Jem" A  tall blond haired boy said.

"I'm Remus Lupin" The last boy said.

They all continued chatting as they unpacked their suitcases, before James and Remus demanded a exploding snap tournament to get to know eaer other, and the other boys all agreed, so they set up a circle in the middle of the dorm and began to play and chat. By the end of the evening , they'd all learnt a lot about each other, and learnt that each of the boys bought something different to the group.

James was the pranker, Sirius was the joker, Remus was the nerd, Peter was the quiet one, Frank was the forgetfull one and Jem was the musician and creative one.

--------- Lilys POV------------

Lily walked up the stairs to the dorm to find all of the girls already in there. She gasped at the sight of the curtained beds, and the old windows with window seats and gryfindor cushions. It was beautiful!

A few of the other girls laughed at her reaction, making lily grin.

"I'm Lily" she introduced herself.

A bubbly brown haired girl introduced herself again as Marlene, as said she had a twin in ravenclaw called Rose, and the blonde girl with a french accent was called Zoe. A small timid looking girl quietly said she was called Alice, and the two others named themselves as Clarissa, (Clary) and Isabel (Bella).

They all unpacked and then gathered round Marlenes bed, who already seemed to be the loudest and the leader of the group. They chatted for ages about family, and siblings, and school, and their favourite music bands; Marlene, Zoe, and Alice, (who however timid she appeared, was a die hard fan of the famous band Amortentia) introduding the others to Wizard Bands, whilst Lily, Clary and Bella played some muggle songs from them, and they had a mini dance party around the room! The conversation then fell onto Boys, and previous boyfriends.

Marlene and Bella were the only two to have every had a boyfriend, but being only 11, it was nothing serious at all. They all chatted about who they thought was good looking in their year, just from what they'd seen of them at the sorting. Jem's name came up a lot, aswell as two ravenclaw boys, called Daniel and William who according to Zoe were "drop dead gorgeous!". She'd sat with all 3 them on the train and thought they were all handsome as hell! Marlene, Alice and Zoe looked at each other and grinned when Bella bought James Potters name up, and Lily immedietly burst into  rant about how he "was a cocky big headed twat" and "a good for nothing slimeball" and it went on...!!

After a while, the conversation drifted to an end, as one by one the girls headed to bed.

------------- James POV -----------

The next morning, the boys all woke up and got dressed ready for their first day. They headed down the stairs to the common room, and at the same time Lily and her friends desended from the opposite dorm.

"Morning Lilyflower" James sang as she passed him. Lily sent him a death glare, and reached out to slap his arm which had began to make its way around her shoulder. He dodged it just in time, before saying "guess you're not a morning person Evans!" before blowing her a kiss, laughing and rushing to catch up with his friends.

He smiled to himself as he past through the portrait. She was stunning. Her red hair and deep green eyes, and that smile he'd seen on her when she had been with her friends. Even the death glare was sexy though he thought laughing! It was odd how she hated him though, even though he'd done nothing wrong and they'd only just met. Not many people hated James Potter. but then again, there is no one quite like Lily, and he'd only known her for a day. Ahh, she'll warm up to me soon he thought to himself.


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