Aot: Eren Yeager- Determined

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A/N: Modern au 2017
Your POV
"Get off and run down to the corner!" Coach yelled as the practice bus halted to a stop at the end of the dirt road. Not wasting a second, I hurry off the bus and begin to run to the said corner.
<It's so peaceful, why can't I have this all the time....>

Being left alone was really refreshing, high-school is not all sunshine and candy.....WHOEVER MADE UP THAT LIE CAN BURN IN HELL!!!!!!

Anyway, I focus on my breathing, steps, and how many people I'm passing by.
After a while of passing exhausted looking team mates -don't jion a sport unless you commit and clearly half of them weren't even trying- I spot the only rival I had since middle school




I know it sounds over dramatic but we really are the pair to put in a room together, and the next day one of us is dead.....most likely him.

*A/N: don't worry you won't hate him forever.*

The point is, he was competitive and so am I. Narrowing my eyes, I push myself to run a quicker pace.
I'm right beside him now, he glances my way with a smirk on his face, ignoring it is focus on the assigned task.

"Want to race?" He asks as we come down the last hill, we both see the corner. I smirk lightly, he does the same. "Lets race then."

"Only the count of 3..." He mumbles

<here we go...>
I take a breath
With that my arms pump hard, my legs doing the exact same. My mind blanks out and all I can see is the corner. <My finish line.....>

Everything in me burns like hell as we finally hit the corner. Panting was all I could really do now, "I believe that was a tie." Eren states breathless.

"No I won..." I say definitely. A sharp glare is my only answer, "In your dreams (Y/N)."


"Here!" My hyperactive best friend exclaims as they gave me a folded piece of paper. "Thanks (B/F/N).....what is this though?" They roll their eyes, groaning, "Just open the stupid note (Y/N)!" I laugh and do as told.

Hey (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time, I know you probably hate me like hell.....but here's my number.





I turn my head slightly to look at the seats behind me before locking eyes with said person.

Putting a smirk on I pull out my phone and text the number given.

Me: What a surprise Mr "Popular Lone Wolf" is asking me out.

Eren: I'm not asking you out, I just happened to be interested in you.

Me: Don't tell me I'm that interest.

Eren: As a matter of fact you are. Meet me after school behind the gym.

Me: Why?

Eren: ;) You and your determination.

Me: What's that supposed to mean? :|

Eren: Nothing, just meet me there.

I rolled my eyes and lean my head on the nearby bus window. <What have I gotten into?...> I question myself as we head towards our high school.

"Now what is it that you wanted?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

I glared at him, "None of you God damn business."

He rolls his eyes, "Jean is having a party....and I want you to go with me."

My eyes widen, "You're asking me to go with you?" He nods his head slightly. I stare at him thinking everything over in my head.

A smile hits his lips at that, "Great, I'll pick you up at 8pm." With that said he places a quick kiss on my cheek and whispers in my ear, "Wear something tight."
A blush heats my face at  that, and he turns leaving me speechless.

After a moment I recovered, turned on my heels, heading home with one thought in my mind.

< Well, I can officially sauce I'm determined to slap the living shit out of him the next time he does thst!.... but that was a little cute. I kinda like him.>

"Stupid emotions...."
I mumble while blushing.
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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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