Chapter 2

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Author’s Note: Hey Guys! know its been a month since I last updated ... I'm sincerely sorry. I blacked out on my ideas for the story, and you should've known about me updating new chapters ... I'm simply bad at doing this. And just like any student authors, I've been constantly bombarded with schoolwork, projects, and I also have sports to do. You could just imagine how hard it's been for me. For those who were patiently waiting for my next update... here it is! May The Best Man Win Chapter 2.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, because Tadatoshi Fujimaki owns it, and I also don’t own the picture. Credits to the owner.


May The Best Man Win Chapter 2

Tension filled the air, people cowered in fear, and a devilish being appeared right in front of their eyes. Yup, this is the current situation of the Teiko gym.

Aomine Daiki is this close from passing out. Like really, really close. He was scared. Yeah, the Aomine is scared. But I think it was only natural, because he is Akashi Seijuro's source of wrath. Definitely.

But whatever higher up seems to still have a plan for him in the future, as he was saved by…. A ringing cell phone?

This ringing phone instantly broke the tension-filled air, calming down the atmosphere. Everyone tried to trace where the sound is coming from, only to discover it came from Akashi's pocket.

"Daiki, as punishment, do 100 push-ups, and you'd better be done before I finish speaking to the caller" Akashi gave him one more dark glare before going outside to answer the call. (after all, he needs his privacy)

Kise and Midorima gave out a relieved sigh the moment he stepped out of the gym. They're both glad that the Generation of Miracles is not going to lose a member. Not that they'll admit, of course.

Aomine obediently and hurriedly did push-ups on the floor. He knows that even though Akashi won't be able to see him doing push-us, the redhead has his ways in finding out if he did what he was told to do. Also, everyone in the team knows that Akashi's call doesn't even last for two minutes, because he doesn't really talk nonsense things oh the phone, and his conversations are always straight to the point, no betting around the bush. In other words, Aomine must do 100 push ups within two minutes, while he was sore from their one-on-one match with Kise.

Murasakibara entered the gym using the back door, bring his bag of snacks and currently stuffing his mouth with Lays chips. He was puzzled to see the tan teen hastily doing push-ups. With one last gulp, he turned to the greenhead.

"Neh Mido-chin, what did I miss?" The giant stared at Midorima with a bored expression.

"Akashi came and then Aomine said something stupid. He was threatened that he must do push ups before he comes back inside from answering a call" Midorima swiftly summarized the situation as he pushed his glasses back up.

"Ah… okay" Murasakibara went near Aomine and sarcastically cheered him on."Hang in there, Mine-chin"

"You can do it, Aominecchi!" Kise shouted

"Shut up, you two! I can't concentrate!” Aomine said as he pushed his body away from the floor, then brought it back down, in the quickest way possible. His arms were shaking because they were sore.

“No, I won’t give up now! I will definitely finish this before Akashi comes in! I don’t care if I’m tired! Just a little bit more, Daiki!” Aomine mentally self-reassured himself. Who knows, maybe because if he stopped, he is going to suffer more than a sore body. (Akashi would terrorize him with the scissors)

Aomine continued to do his push-ups, fueled by his fighting spirit. A few seconds later, he plopped himself onto the cold floor. “I’m… finally… done”

Were his last words before passing out.

“You finally reached 100. Good for you” Midorima said to Aomine as he stood beside Aomine’s unconscious body.

“Eh… Midorimacchi, you were counting his push-ups all along?” Kise stared at him in awe. He could’ve thought Midorima would lose his count when he was talking to Murasakibara. But he didn’t.

“Hmph. It is my responsibility to report to Akashi if Aomine completed his work. This is my role as a Vice-Captain” Kise sweat-dropped at Midorima’s loyalty to the spartan captain. Kise can’t help but think Midorima was threatened by Akashi that he must stay loyal to him, at all cost.

A few minutes later, Akashi came in, looking calm and no more dark aura radiating from him.

Midorima then reports.“Akashi, Aomine completed the 100 push-ups you told him to do. I personally counted the number of push-ups.”

“Good job, Shintarou.” He took one last glance at the whole gym. “Good, so it seems like everyone is here. I want all of you to listen”

Everyone (except the unconscious Aomine) turned their attention to the captain. Kise was going to wake Aomine, only to be stopped by Akashi himself.”Ryouta, leave Daiki. Tell him about this matter once he’s awake.”

Akashi cleared his throat, and then proceeded to speak. Akashi smirked "Due to Tetsuya’s parents leaving for a business trip for eight months, He will be staying at the Akashi residence, along with me. So anything that concerns him also concerns me. Does everyone understand?”

Everyone’s jaw came dropping to the ground, and even the unconscious Aomine jolted awake upon hearing the news. They all simultaneously said one word in disbelief.



 Author’s Note: I’ll try to update faster next time. So guys, don’t forget to leave some comments. They make me happy (even though I don’t even have one comment -.-) but please… I also accept criticism… as long as it helps me to become a better author. I also want some advice from you guys, so that I can make this story better. Until next time!


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