Chapter 3

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Looking at Aruora runes should have made me feel less protective  of her because dam  that girl is packing some power but it's made me feel the opposite. I feel more protective which is something I didn't think was possible. Seeing Scott get all up in her business make me want to knock my own best friend out. She doesn't need him messing with her head. As much as she likes to thing she isn't a romantic someone out there was made for her and the same for Scott. Shit, that's why I stay away from Lily. Our parent have warned us over the years about getting involved with one another, that no matter how much we want to believe that natural love can win over our bond just doesn't happen and that's coming from some of the other parents with their own experiences. I'm not blind to the hook ups that go on around us and there fine if no one catches feelings but someone always does and that's when things go to Hell for everyone caught up in it or anyone unfortunate enough to close to the kick off point.

The power Aruora has is going to draw the wrong people to her, she's stood out before but now she's like a beacon of power, it's like a glow has settled on her skin. Once she leaves here for assignments I won't be able to scare everyone off of her like I have done here. How I have manage to keep that a secret from her is beyond me but I have warned every single guy not to make a move on her. All except Scott and Dean because I thought I didn't have to. But I guess I was wrong.

"Hey man, can you talk?" I ask Scott as I stand in his doorway to his room.

"Yeah, sure, come in" he tries to say casually but he's running his hand through his hair and sure sign that he is nervous.

Leaning against his door frame, I try figure out what's going through his head and I keep coming up with a blank.

"What was that with you and Ra Ra earlier?" I ask coming straight out with it.

He doesn't answer straight away as he paces his room as if he's searching his own mind for the answer.

"I don't know man, I can't explain it. It was crazy. I felt so drawn to her when her powers erupted. She looked so beautiful, like a pure warrior as the flames dance across her. She was unlike anything I have ever seen before. I didn't mean to get that close to her. Then before I knew it, well you know, you saw us. I've always been attracted to her but I've always kept it under control" he says looking a little freaked out by his actions.

Stepping away from the doorway, I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder to stop him pacing and we both take a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Calm down, it's sound like it was just in the heat of the moment. We're good as long as you don't make a move on her every time you see her. It was an intense moment for you to be around that's all" I tell him hoping it's the truth. Scott is a good guy but he's also one of the guy's that hook up and the last thing I want is my sister added to pile. She deserves better, Hell, those other girls deserve better even if they came looking for it.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Ill just steer clear for a few days til whatever this is, is out of my system for good. How's Lily?" He asks changing the uncomfortable subject and I let him.

"She's okay now that's she's moved in with Ra Ra. She was pretty shaken up from that dickhead though. Did you have any idea he was acting like that?" I ask praying his answer is no because I hope he would've let shit like that fly without doing something about it.

"No man, no idea. If I had he would be in the infirmary long ago. But I don't think any of us could have put the fear in him the way Aruora did. I'm surprised he didn't piss himself" he shakes his head at the thoughts of what went down.

"Another few minutes and I say he would have. He kept checking his neck as if he kept expecting to find it severed somewhere. If he was a human he would have been dead in seconds. If she sees him again I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to set his ass on fire" I laugh at the memories of Nates terrified face. He deserved nothing less than to feel the fear he put in others.

"Do you know what powers she has?" He asks curiously.

"Fire is a given, she has the same one as mom on her palm but the other one on her wrist that's something I haven't seen. It's completely new. But I have know doubt it's a powerful one because she's oozing power right now" I answer still amazed at what my little sis is becoming.

"She is going to be a force to be reckoned with just like your mother" he laughs.

"No doubt. Now that she has her marks mom isn't going to be holding back on the assignments. So training is going to be full on from now on til an assignment comes in and we finally get out there" I grin with the prospect of finally getting to see some action and getting closer to finding my other half. It's the one thing I'm looking forward to and its the one thing that can make Ra Ra run in terror in the opposite direction screaming. Her other half is going to have his work cut out with her.

"Thats what was holding your mom back?" He smiles and I can see the excitement flicker in his eyes.

"Yeah, she didn't want someone pissing her off in the middle of an all out fight for her to end up coming into her powers during it only to leave her open for an attack and she knew there was no way she could give any of us an assignment without sending the strongest of us out. It wouldn't make sense to anyone especially Ra Ra.

"You do realise she will probably kill you if you call her Ra Ra on an assignment" he laughs. "She's going to look the most intimidating out of us with that power oozing off of her and then out of no where your going to call her Ra Ra and lose her any street cred that's she gains" he smirks.

"Your right, but like Hell is that going to change what I call her and she knows it and I doubt if she gives a fuck knowing her anyway we're not suppose to draw to much attention to ourselves. No one is suppose to know that Prince and princess is out doing assignments in the first place" I roll my eyes.

"Okay how exactly is that going to work. You, yeah you can hide. But Aruora with her runes their going to know she is the Queens daughter. There is no hiding that" he says stating the obvious.

"Ah but that's where your wrong. I knew her clothesould hide any marks she would get on her back but I had cuffs made awhile ago for her wrists in case the runes appeared there. I got them for her eighteenth in case the runes stuck then but when they didn't I put them up. I got the made to size around moms runes and the material should hold up even when she uses her power. Fingerless gloves will cover her palm. See all sorted" I smile to myself thing of her reaction to them later.

"If you treat your other half as well as you treat your sister she is going to be one lucky woman" he says as he stretches out across his bed more relaxed than when I first came in.

"Nah man, how I treat my sister and how I treat my mate are going to be completely different. Both will hold different parts of my heart. I just hope whoever I end up with the two of them get along. It would destroy me if they didn't. How would i chose, ones half my heart and the other is half my soul. It doesn't bare thinking about" I can't help the shiver that travels up my spine at the thought of it.

"Wont happen. Even if Aruora didn't like her she would never show it and she loves you too much to ever make you choose. For me man if it ever came down it the one that loves you the most would never make you choose in the first place" he answers and for the first time he actually say something that makes more than sense and anyway I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead and the worst outcome of what could happen.

"It's talking like that to girls that gets them knocking on your door isn't it" I jeer him.

"Dont you know it" he winks and smiles like the dumbness he can be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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