Chapter Six:Night Light

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Everything in the office was quite. The only sound you would hear is the soft ticking of the miniature clock that sat on the desk placed in the back of the small room. The man behind this desk had on a fancy suite and tie. His hair was slicked back and his eyes were focused on the young girl who sat upon him in a chair on the opposite side of the desk.

Her eyes were fixed on her hands, which were cupped together as she slouched in her seat. Her skin was a carmel brown. All except for a blueish-grey birth mark that covered the top of her right hand from under her knuckles to before the end of it. Her hair was long and a dark brown, almost black, color. Her bangs slightly hid her face from the world.

She was dressed up in casual clothing; a blue shirt and jeans.

“Izabela..” the man called

After hearing her name her head perked up.

“Y-Yes?” She answered

“How come you’re getting into all these disputes? I know you’re a good student, and this isn’t like your usual behavior.” The man said

Izabela sighed as she looked down at her hands once again.

“I don’t know Sir..” she said in a small voice

This was the third time she had ended up in the principal’s office for fighting. Due to the way she acted, allot of people would assume that she was a bit of a rebel or even troubled, but that wasn’t her. None of it was.

If anything she was a sweet girl; a people pleaser. It was her main objective to make everyone happy. But lately, people have been taking her kindness for a weakness. The principal sat up in his chair.

“Look, I called your mother and she said she was coming to pick you up. I think some time away would do you some good.” The principal suggested

Izabela took a minute to think about her mother. Her mother wasn’t really the best idea.. She’s what people in their neighborhood called a “train wreck”. She’s always drunk, always stressed and always had to point out everyone else’s flaws. Even when they seem not to have any.

A knock was heard at the door. The principal let out a small “Come in”. In came a women. She has long, wavy, black hair that framed her face quite well. She wore a peach T-shirt that slightly revealed the striped shirt she had under.

On her face laid a pink set of glasses. Izabela’s mother. She sent Izabela a disappointed look. Talk about red alert… Izabela looked away so she wouldn’t meet her mother’s eyes.

“Please, have a seat Ms.Weatherling..” the principal said as Izabela’s mother took a seat next to her

“Mr.Wallece, I am just so sorry about her behavior.” Izabela’s mother started

Izabela rolled her eyes at her mother’s “concerned parent” act.

“It’s just that we’ve been going through so much lately and-”

“It’s alright Ms.Weatherling. Kids are kids and they’re going to fight at some point in their lives. I completely understand the situation and the actions that will be taken are for positive outcomes.. Right Izabela?” The principal asked

“Sure..” Izabela answered sarcastically

After the small conversation, Izabela’s mother took her out of school early. The ride home was quiet. No one said a thing. Izabela rubbed her fore-arms and let out a shaky breath.

Hearing her child do this her mother spoke,

“What’s wrong with you?”

Izabela quickly looked up at her mother.

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