Chapter Two

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For a moment all House could do was stand in the doorway and stare. He hadn’t expected to find this and he couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Not that he could make sense of everything that was happening to him today, but this... No, this couldn’t be real. He must be hallucinating again. Though he was sure he didn’t take any drugs, at least not today.

”House...” She said with a raspy voice.

Still Greg couldn’t believe it was real, though after everything he’d been through today, why wouldn’t this be real too?

“Well isn’t this the strange rendezvous?” Keeping his cane close to his side he kneeled by her side.

“I shouldn’t be surprised you survived this. Not even a zombie can stand being in one room with you, let alone eat you.”

“I see you haven’t changed a bit. You’re still a cutthroat bitch.”

“Happy to hear you haven’t forgotten me yet.”

“How could I? I died for you.”

“No... You didn’t.”

“Still want to win?”


“Let’s stop the small talk and get of here. Unless you want to join them.”

“You think I’d still be here if I wanted to join them? You think I’d still be here if I could get away?” Her voice changed from a teasing, playful one to a sad and hurt one.

“You’re hurt?” He knew it was a stupid question to ask. Because now he was finally paying attention to her, he could see her leg seemed to bleeding. She was right not to answer him. She didn’t really have to either, they were both staring at her leg and while she smirked, he frowned.

“Nice one, hu?”

“Depends on your definition of nice.”

“You wouldn’t want to know mine.”

“If it has anything to do with Wilson, then no.”

“Oh c’mon you know that you liked us together.”

“No.” Was his only answer. Thinking of his friend still hurt, even though he would never tell anyone.

Focusing his attention on her leg he inspected the damage. “You’ve been bitten?”

“House, do you really think that low of me?”

“I’ll take that as a no. Good. It isn’t bad.”

She just snorted as an answer, obviously not believing him.

He grabbed a towel from a counter, evidently they found themselves in the kitchen, and wrapped it around her leg.

“This should hold up fine for a while.”

“Good because... They’re coming in.”

House looked in which direction she was pointing and noticed the zombies that had surrounded them. Luckily he had locked the door, but it wouldn’t take long before they’d break through the window.

“We better go then.” As he picked up his cane and was standing, he offered his hand to her. “Let’s kill some zombies.” Gregory activated his axe cane again, which resulted in him getting a strange look from the woman. “I’m always prepared.” He answered her look and shrugged it off. She seemed to do the same.

“What’s the plan?”

“Kill them all.”

“Fair enough.” She said as she picked up a cooking pan from the stove. House gave her an approving look and then focused his attention on the zombies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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