To Forget

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{What's up world! It's Claire, aka TBNRtaco here. So Skylar (DatNinjaTato) and I are staring new stories on our collab account! They're totally unrelated... Or are they? You'll have to wait and see. Now, slap dat vote button with your forehead/kip flipper/etc.! Luv your faces, and please do subscribe! Baiiiiiiiiiiiiii!} -Taco :P

Claire's POV:

"We're gonna pick a random tweeter who uses the tag #PowerMovesOnly to win an autographed Power Moves hoodie!" Mitch says to the livestream. Jerome does a slurp in the background. Great. These guys are absoulutely insane. Hilarious, but insane. And they're in my house. Ryan loudly sings, "I'M THE MILKMAN!" Urrrghhh! I hate my brother and his friends sometimes. Why do I have to be twins with a bacca?

I shove my headphones over my ears and pump the volume all the way up, selecting "Eclipse" by MinecraftUniverse. Also known as Jason, my brother's friend. Jerome would kill me if he found out I have a bit of a crush on Jason.  Oh, well. Tomorrow, the guys are going to the Team Crafted house in LA for a few weeks, and I'm coming. We'll see what happens then.

~~~Time Skip!~~~

"Claire! CLAIRE! We're here!" Jerome says, shaking me awake. I groan and slap him. No one messes with my sleep, not even my brother. I groggily get up and grab my bags, following Jerome, Mitch, and Ryan to a van waiting outside. "Hello!" says a peppy guy in the driver's seat. I recognize his voice from the videos as Adam. There are four other guys in the car, who scoot over to make room for us. Quentin groans and gives me one of the two seats he was using. These guys sure like to spread their legs.

"I'm Claire, Jerome's sister," I say shyly. Jason waves and introduces himself. Not that he needs to. The others follow suit, even though they know I already know their names. We joke around for the thiry minute drive back to the house. I'm absolutely exhausted, so I find my way to a random room and immediately fall asleep on the bed, not caring whose it is.

I'm in a deep sleep, dreaming about prizza heaven, and all sorts of other weird things. "Hello? Um, Claire...?" a voice says from near me. I'm not as miserable now, since the jet lag is going away. Sighing, I see a clock on the wall. 8:03 AM. Ian sits on the other side of the room, wide awake, in a chair. This must be his room. "Oh, sorry! I wasn't really thinking when I got here, I just kinda fell asleep. Sorry. is this your room? I didn't mean for you to have to sleep somewhere else! It's all my fault," I say quickly, like I do when I'm nervous or embarrased. "Sorry. Where  did you sleep?"

Ian only shrugs. "Couch." He doesn't really say much, which is weird, considering how much he talks in his videos. I nod and head downstairs. He follows me to the kitchen, where I easily find cereal and eat an entire box in under ten minutes. That's not surprising, if you know me. No one is really up yet, since it's only 8. Ian is quietly scrolling through texts, laughing at something. "Whatcha reading?" I say. I get up and look over ar his screen. It's a group message with all of Team Crafted. There's a text from Ian, saying, "youuu have a crusshshhhh!!! XD" And then Jason says, "shuttt upppp!!! D:<" Wait, what? Ian pulls his screen away before I can read any more. "Nothing," he says guiltily. Suuuure.

I turn on the TV and we watch Modern Family for a while, as people gradually come down the stairs. They all end up on the couch, staring at the television. For hours. At 4 PM, Jerome speaks up. "Guys, let's do something," he yawns. Everyone agrees reluctantly, and we start shooting off ideas. We agree on laser tag. Adam sighs and takes everyone to his huge van, and off we go.

The red team is: Jerome, Mitch, Adam, and Jason. We figured that since they have Merome and SkyMU, they're fine with one less player. (We have 9.) The blue team is then me, Ian, Quentin, Ty, and Ryan. Fair enough. We head to our base and strategize before the game starts. When it does, the red team is instantly dominating. New rule: Never put Merome on the same team.

I see the score: 300 blue, 400 red. It's first to 500. Crap. I stealthily roll around the bottom level, hiding behind posts. Mitch nearly sees me, but I shoot him, and he doesn't see where it comes from. Phew! I've made my way to the Mega Target, where if you can shoot it for 20 seconds straight, you get 200 points. It's the only thing we can do now. I gulp and aim my gun at the target, pulling and holding the trigger. Footsteps come from behind me. I can't turn, because I'd risk moving my gun away from the target. "I'll let you go this one time," a voice whispers. Jason. "But that's only because it's you." He winks at me and runs off. Wait, hold on... I'm confused now.

Apparently, he reported to the others that the target was clear, because no one shoots me. The 20 seconds go by, and we win. "Jason!" his teammates groan. They know that he was in charge of guarding the target. Jason only shrugs. "...oops..?" he lies.

So does Jason like me? This is all weird. I think he does, judging by that and Ian's texts. Shoot... this is gonna be tough to tell Jerome.

{AN: Yay! Chapter one! I hope you're enjoying, and if you are, please slap dat vote button with your forehead/kip flipper/etc.! Luv your faces, and please do subscribe! BAii!} -Taco

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