I'm Bad at Chapter Titles

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Mitch's POV:

Fudge it Jason. He's horrible at this. Wait... Wasn't it Claire who won the game for the other team? Jason likes Claire. That little turd lost the game in an attempt to flirt. What a noob. If you like someone, you can't just let it ruin you like that. Me, I don't let it show. No one knows except for me. And no one will until my plan works.

Step one: get Jason. Claire loves him, so with him out of the way, nothing can stop me. Don't kill him, maybe just make him... Less desirable. Yes, that's perfect.

Step two: she's mine. And no one can get in the way of that.

Tonight I want to put my plan into action. Before anything serious happens with the two of them. I've been building a machine, in the woods, for years, and it finally has a use. The one thing I haven't done is test it. I guess our little Jason will be the lab rat. At 2 AM, with everyone asleep, I walk into Jason's room. "I have something really cool to show you," I say. No need to kidnap him. That wouldn't do any good. Jason nods and groggily follows me outside.

"Where are we going?" he asks curiously. I hush him, and he continues following me. Then, the machine is in sight. I haven't named it. It's just "the machine". Jason looks at it in awe, with it's forty-three buttons and switches, and blinking lights everywhere. "What does it do?" he asks. Such a curious guy. I chuckle. "You'll see." I usher him to the chair in the middle and he sits down, wondering. Straps buckle him in. There's no escape now.

"What are you doing!?" Jason frantically screams as he tries to break out. I laugh evilly. "You fool. You thought you could have Claire. But she's mine. And now, she can never love you. Even if she wants to. There's no going back, Jason. It's going to be done," I say. I push several buttons and flip a huge lever. Electricity rushes through the machine and Jason struggles, still trying to break out. Even though he knows he's screwed. Suddenly, a bright flash of light. It's working! I look at the chair and see Jason's silhouette shrink smaller, smaller... Perfect.

I flip the lever back to see a confused eight-year-old Jason sitting in the chair. {yeah he just did that!} "Mitch! What have you done?!" the child yells, trying to be menacing. I only laugh. "Oh, Jason," I say. "I told you she can't love you now. You're ten years younger than she is. Now run along home to your mommy and daddy, won't you?" Jason's eyes burn a fiery red. "NEVER!" he shouts. The straps on the chair suddenly break free and the kid runs back to the house. I shake my head. He will never learn.

Jason's POV:

Why. Why would he do this? My life has gone back ten years. I can't love the one I love. But why? I remember everything. Minecraft, YouTube, everything. But no one will like me anymore. I am a loner, and outcast, only a child. I can't be trusted. I can't do anything on my own. All thanks to Mitch. No one will understand, so I may as well leave. Not until the morning, though. I wanna see what happens when Mitch tries to explain why I'm a kid.

I slip inside my window and reach for the handle. I'm too short to close it. Oh, well. What is Claire gonna think? What about the rest of Team Crafted? Mitch is screwed. That's not a bad thing at this point. I see that the clock says 8:46 AM, so I go downstairs to get food. Claire always wakes up at 8:29 on the dot, so at least she'll be awake. I yawn and look around. Apparently, everyone's awake. Shrugging it off, I head to the cabinets. I climb on the counter to grab the cornflakes, since I'm too short to reach from the ground anymore. "Mornin'," I call to the guys. This gets weird looks from everyone but Mitch, who simply smirks. "Um..." Ian says, clearly wondering. Oh, no, here it comes. "Why is there a kid in our house? And where's Jason?"

I look up from my bowl of cornflakes to see eight sets of eyes staring at me. I sigh. "I am Jason," I groan. "Someone, I know who, hint hint, turned me into a kid. So there's that. Oh yeah, and it was Mitch. Hint. Hint." Everyone is wide-eyed and gapes at me. They can figure this out on their own, without an eight-year-old's help. I keep eating my cornflakes and then sit on the couch, watching this shiz go down.

Jerome: Did this really happen?

Mitch: *nods*

Quentin: What the butts, Mitch? He's your best friend! Why would you go and turn him into a seven-year-old like that?


Quentin: Whatever.

Mitch: I... I don't know. I just had to.

Claire: But why did you have to, Mitch! I know there's a reason!

Mitch: If I told you, it'd only tear us all apart.

Ian: But you already have torn us all apart! Now speak, benja!

Mitch: I... Can't. I'm sorry. Just forget it.

Mitch stomps out of the house with his head in his hands. "Serves him right," I mutter, rolling my eyes. The attention is back on me. Great. Claire kneels down next to me and pats my hand like I'm a little kid. Oh wait, I am. "It's gonna be okay," she says calmly. "Now what exactly happened with Mitch that caused you to be like this?"

~~One long explanation later...~~

"I can take you to the machine," I whisper. "I have a photographic memory. I remember the way." The team exchange looks and then nod. I lead them out of the house. They're so much taller than me now, and Ryan is nearly twice my height. How? Oh, right. I'm frickin eight. It means a lot to put trust in a kid, to have him lead you through an uncharted forest. I hope they understand that.

Claire's POV:

Well, I'm screwed. The one guy I ever loved is now eight years old. Does this happen every time someone falls in love, or is it just me? What now? Ugh. I'm really fed up with Mitch now. The machine looks irreversible, judging by the control mechanism I see when I examine it. Little Jason today, Little Jason tomorrow, Little Jason forever.

Mitch is going down.

{AN: hunger games: catching fire reference anyone? XD Anyways, that wraps it up for this chapter! A lot of stuff happened. Whoooallah. So please dudes, slap dat vote button with your forehead/kip flipper/etc.! Luv your faces, and please do subscribe! Baiii!} -Taco :P

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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