ray:-laughs-yooo yu jst got yo ass whip uk damn well malik was go beat yo ass -shakes his head & laughs-
roc:yoo prince yu okay bruh?
prince:um yea -gets up & sits on da coach-
diggy:we got 3 birthdays coming up
roc:oh yeaaa niq, bre, leah
diggy:wat we go do tho -lookin at his phone-
prince:house party?
diggy & roc:good idea
bahja:-wlks in smiling-
diggy:whatcha smiling 4?
roc:say bee come with us
Bahja:-looks at roc confused- where y'all going?
prince:we go tell you when we get in the car
bahja: ight
-car ride-
bahja:okay start talking
roc:we was thinking about having a house party for bre,leah, niq-GCO
bahja: same days right?
roc:nigga let me finish but yeah-GCO
bahja: so why y'all need me?
prince:STFU we need you to help us pick up a cake
mindless(love story)
Teen Fictionthis story about 3 teenagers that go with mindless behavior