Andromeda ep. 02: Sirius

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"Hyung wake up

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"Hyung wake up." Myungdae sat on Soohyun's back, trying to wake the leader up. The boys had a photoshoot for their comeback but Soohyun refused to wake up from his nap. "Come one, we have to be there in an hour." Soohyun still didn't wake. "Minhyuk hyung!" Myungdae yelled for the second oldest member. He was suddenly thrown to the floor as Myungdae ran to the bathroom. Despite being the oldest, Soohyun dreaded Minhyuk's nagging. 

Across the dorm, Jimin was preparing lunch for the group, while Myunghan and Minhyuk set the table. "Han, go get Soohyun hyung and Myungdae please." Jimin asked the maknae. Myunghan complied, still slightly groggy. Myunghan caught Myungdae walking out of Soohyun's bedroom and asked where the eldest was. "He went into the bathroom." Myungdae said quickly before skipping off to the kitchen. Myungdae always had this never ending source of energy that the other members never understood and slightly envied.

When they all gathered for lunch, their manager soon appeared, seemingly arguing with someone on the phone. "Good afternoon boys. I hope you enjoyed your day thus far." there was a light hum in the room as they continued to eat. "Can you all wrap this up quickly, the photographer is almost ready for us and we still have to get across town." Minhyuk rolled his eyes. "Woori noona, the park is not across town, it's two blocks away." Woori only chuckled lightly as she washed up the pots in the sink. "Excuse me for trying to get you guys there early. Remember, the earlier there, the earlier you can leave but it's kind of too late for that." The boys hurried their meals, not wanting to hear Woori complain in any way. 

As the drove to the park, Myunghan fiddled with his new blonde locks. "Noona, was this necessary?" It was evident that he missed his old hair style since it was less flashy than this one. "Han, it's cute on you." Myungdae teased, pulling the younger's cheek.  Woori chuckled, looking up in the rear view mirror. "Yes it was necessary, Han. It's crucial that you guys show off as many sides of yourselves while your still growing as a group." the younger nodded, still fiddling with his hair. "If you want, we could get it trimmed soon?" Myunghan shook his head. "If it's for the group, I can get used to it... as long I don't have to keep it long for every dance comeback." the rest of guy chuckled as the van pulled into a parking spot. 

They got out the van and Woori lead them to the garage across the street. "I thought the shoot was in the park?" Jimin asked. "It originally was but the photographer thought the garage would fit the concept more." The boys stylist soon swarmed them, hurrying to get their make up and hair done. 

"Are we almost done?" Minhyuk muttered, breaking into english. "No, the stylist are taking back their shoes just because." Jimin said, laughing. Minhyuk glared before laughing with him. "Boys come on, you have dance practice. BYJ just text me saying she got Sirius in as next week's guest on MUSE.  It would be the perfect time to unveil 'Action.'


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the 2nd episode! What do you think about Sirius thus far?

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