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Chapter 1

I laid there flat on my back motionless with my eyes closed,

I could hear voices screaming in panic and I could feel my limp body being hoisted onto something that felt like a cloud I had a striking pain in my jaw and nose… what happened? Where am I?

I woke up to a bright light in my face,

the pain has gone away a bit but my eye is also feeling sore now,

I can’t move a muscle in my body, am I dead? Is this how it all ends?

My vision starts regaining, I can see outlines of objects but I can’t quite make them out.

My vision comes back finally.

I can hear a slight beeping sound going every minute or so, there is someone sitting quietly in the seat at the end of the bed I lay in with their face in their palms softly sobbing as if they had just lost a valuable item.

I stared at this delicate person for a while until they suddenly rose their head up from their palms as if they knew I was watching them,

I made out the person,

it was a boy with shaggy black hair, ocean blue eyes and a grim face.

he looked at me as if I just came back to life from the wraths of hell,

but that expression quickly changed as reality came back to him quickly, he jumped up from his seat and ran around to the side of me and hugged me lightly,

I sat there on the bed stiffly as he hugged me.

“Wh...wh...” I tried to speak but my throat was dry and it felt like someone was stabbing it countless times.

“Shhh… don’t speak, it’s alright” the boy said holding me a bit tighter and then looking at me again with his ocean blue eyes.

“B... But who… who are you?” I asked finally spitting the words out in confusion, once I asked that he looked at me with that grim face again,

let go of me and lent back in the chair that sat next to my bed.

I’m confused, who is this boy and…. Who am i?


Hey guys! it's me and i'm back if you have read my other book Country Club Boys then that's great, sorry that i haven't wrote in a while i'm just quite busy with school and other stuff, anyways i decided to publish this book because it's a story i was already writing for my english assignment and i reckon it was pretty good so don't forget to: COMMENT, FAVOURITE AND VOTE if you like it please comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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