My stupid family

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Ok so I know I'm a little bipolar but my parents just gave me reason to flip out on them. My dad just yelled at me saying I haven't done anything all day when I
Woke up at 7am
Took care of the dog all day
Cooked breakfast
Did laundry
Did dishes
And cooked lunch
While my twin brother is with my dad in the woods! 

My brother was having fun all day while I'm just doing house work!! WTF!!!! And they say I didn't do anything!!!!
And btw I just got told I was bipolar the other day by a doctor and my brother literally said " first depression, then pansexual ( he only knows that), then pastel goth, now fucking bipolar! what's next, r u gonna get diagnosed as a werewolf?!?!"

This is how stupid my family is. I mean I believe in that fantasy stuff and all but really, saying I'm a werewolf is really just being weird concidering my bro doesn't believe In that stuff

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