This is how it starts.

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A nurse walked forward and nervously smiled at Nagi.

"Excuse me Namikaze-sama do you have a name prepared?" She asked shifting uncomfortably when nagi's gaze snapped towards her.

"Lillian Amelia Namikaze."

3 years later

"Lillian!!! Get in here now." Nagi stood in the kitchen spatula in one hand and the other placed on her hip as she narrowed her eyes when the lazy strolls of her daughter entered into the room.

"Yo?" It was in the form of a question and lily could tell her mother wasn't happy. Gesturing towards the living room she tapped her foot impatiently.

"Why are Minato's scrolls scattered everywhere you knew he'll have a heart attack if he comes home and there not where he left them." Lily just gave Nagi an incredible look before glancing into the living room.

"He'll get over it." The carefree shrug she gave as she walked away made Nagi narrow her eye's.

"I swear if you don't get you butt in their and clean up." Lily Glanced back at nagi with an eyebrow raised.

"What'll you do last time I checked i'm a 3 year old you can't do shit." Nagi smirked slightly a thoughtful look on her face.

"You know Shuna-chan won't send Shisui-kun out to play if i tell her you're grounded." Lily visibly stiffened as her head snapped towards Nagi in horror.

"You wouldn't dare Miranda." She practically snarled as Nagi rolled her eyes at the girl.

"Of course i would amy and i'm your mother now at least have the decency of calling me by my new name." Nagi said pointing towards the living room were lily stalked off muttering "Bitch." under her breath.

"Brat." Nagi mumbled right back as rin walked out of the room she shared with Lily.

"Im off to train Momma." Rin said smiling at nagi and ruffling Lily's hair who huffed and swatted her hand away.

Over the past 3 years Rin had grown into a young lady now looking the way she did right before the mission obito died on. Now 13 she was stronger than she had been before and a stronger medical ninja.

"Give my best to Jackass and emo." Lily mumbled as Nagi snickered and rin shook her head at the two of them. They had also informed Rin of Nagi and amy's past leaving out certain parts obviously.

"You shouldn't use such language Lily-chan." Rin scolded lightly as Lily rolled her eyes.

"Im old enough to be your mother kid don't reprimand me for using language I've been using for years." Rolling up the last scroll she tucked it away as Nagi shoved a Bento in rin's hand before telling her to be good. Lily and Nagi locked eyes before Nagi scolded at Lily's chester cat grin.

"You know hearing that come from a 3 year old is still pretty shocking." Lily snorted with laughter before plopping down on the coach nagi doing the same.

"So much has changed hasn't it." Lily mumbled staring lazily at the ceiling Nagi doing the same.

"Yea it has we went from those crazy fangirls in highschool to living every otaku's dream. All thanks to Trina." Lily snorted at Nagi rolled her eyes.

"I still can't believe she's some all powerful goddess she could barely walk when we were growing up without tripping over something and yet she runs the naruto verse go figure." Nagi snorted once again imagining Trina walking down the hall in highschool and tripping over thin air then huffing at her and Amy as they laughed before helping the ebony skinned girl up and handing her the glasses that fell from her face back.

"She was the butt of a lot of our jocks." Nagi said thoughtfully with a grin as Lily chuckled.

"So where you remember that Jackson guy you dated for like 3 weeks then broke up with because he accidentally called you Mexican?" Nagi clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"I was fucking Cuban not Mexican god i still hate that just because i spoke spanish didn't mean i was a fucking Mexican." Lily grinned at her.

"You think you had it rough in highschool i was the white girl that hug out with the two crazy anime nerds." Nagi laughed slightly poking lily slightly.

"What did that bitch call us again." Lily snorted as Nagi looked thoughtful.

"The mixed group." Lily supplied as nagi nodded.

"Yea crazy bitch she acted like we weren't suppose to hang out with eachother or something." Lily nodded thoughtfully.

"It was probably because richy rich bitch couldn't handle versatility. Everyone had to be in a certain group." Nagi rolled her eyes and relaxed against the couch.

"You're starting Missions back up tomorrow are you excited?" Lily asked suddenly changing the subject.

"Yes, i am can't wait to see how much has changed on the battlefield the last 3 years. Your starting academy tomorrow are you excited?" Lily snorted

"Hardly i have trouble listening to you and minato's rules and you know how old i really am i'm not looking forward to being around a bunch of snot nosed brats id really want to kill on the first day." Nagi shot her a look.

"Remember Lily your...." Lily cut her off.

"A three year old though advanced im still young so i need to watch out and keep my temper in check." Nagi chuckled slightly.

"I'm sure you'd hate for Grandma or aunt Kushina to go up there on your first day." Lily paled at the thought she could still remember when she was brung home from the hospital Suki had snatched her up and terrified her within the break of three seconds she literally thought the woman was gonna drop her or something. Let's not even mention what Kushina had done to her.

That's where Minato and rin found them Hours later sitting on the couch reminiscing old times.

This start the beginning of the Sequel to I'm Just Kinda Winging It. I hope y'all enjoy it. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Till next time.

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