When he Confesses. ~2 ✏

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Jin- Hey y/n

Y/n- Hey Jinnie!

Jin- Do you have a minute?

Y/n- Yea wassup?

Jin- Well its kinda Complicated...

Y/n- Well then try and tell me.

Jin- We've known each other for 3 years and...

Y/n- And what?

Jin- And I was wondering if... You like someone?

Y/n- Yes actually... (Blushes)

Jin- Do mind me asking who it is?

Y/n- jdndjdebit'sjrnrkxucyoujbepabo!

Jin- Uh...

Y/n- You know what tell me who you like.

Jin- Well she's very pretty, funny, and brightens up the room...

Y/n- What's her name?

Jin- Y/n...


Namjoon- Hey Y/n

Y/n - Yea what's up.

Namjoon - I was wondering... If you'd like you know...

Y/n - Know what?

Namjoon - You know like... Go out?

Y/n - N-Namjoon? Are you feeling alright?

Namjoon - Its fine if you don't wanna go...

Y/n - Namjoon I'd love to go


Yoongi - Yah, Y/n you're going out with me on a date.

Y/n - Oh that's gentleman like

Yoongi - Well you're going so... Yea you have no choice.

Y/n - I'd love to go Yoongi!


Hoseok - HELLO! Y/N!

Y/n - Hello Hobi!

Hoseok - you know how the zoo is gonna have fireworks and stuff soon...

Y/n - ...

Hoseok - I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me there?

Y/n - Hoseok, I'd love to go!

Hoseok - See you soon!

Y/n - Yep!


Taehyung - Heyy/niwaswonderingifyouwannagoonadatesometime?

Y/n - Tae Tae English (Korean)

Taehyung - Will you just read it closely!

Y/n - Taehyung I would love too!


Jimin - Hey wyd this week?

Y/n - Nothing at all I'm all alone! Wbu?

Jimin - Nothing much but how would you like to go to a movie and dinner on ______?

Y/n - Yea that'd be fun!

Jimin - See you then!


Jungkook - Hey international playboi! Mannn

Y/n - Kookie are you drunk?

Jungkook - Nope!

Y/n - Then what's up?

Jungkook - Just wondering if you'll give me the honor to take you on a date?

Y/n - (blushing ahhhhh!!! 😂 ok sorry I'll leave!) Sure! I'd like that.

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