Chapter One

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I sit at the lunch table alone, looking around at the different groups of kids sitting together. The jocks, the cheerleaders, the geeks/nerds, the troublemakers. Then there's me, sitting here alone, not belonging to any group. An outcast. I run my hand through my too-long, messy hair and reach into my bag to get my beanie. I look up at the clock on the wall. 1:03. The bell was about to ring. I gather up all my stuff and shove it in my bag. I get up and walk to my next class; math.

I walk through the door just as the second bell rings. I take my seat in the back of the class as usual. I lay my head on the desk and stare out the window until the teacher comes in. I look up as he walks in. Following behind him is a boy. He has semi-long hair like mine, except his hair actually looks good. I'm in the back of the room so I can't see too well; I left my glasses at home. He's tall though; taller than me. Probably at least 5'11". He has a t-shirt on that fits him perfectly, showing off his well-defined abs. I look over and see about every girl in the room practically eye raping him. I fix my hair as best I can and look down at my hands.

"You can sit in the back next to Jason," I look up when I hear my name. I see the new boy make his way to the back of the class where I'm sitting. He takes the seat next to me and immediately Casey turns around in her seat and starts talking to him. I look over and see her hand on his. He's smiling at her as she talks. I look away quickly. Of course there's no chance that a beautiful guy like that would be gay. I turn my head when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I find myself face to face with the new boy. I back up a little, feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey. Jason right?" He asks, smirking a little. He obviously noticed he made me uncomfortable.

I nod, "Yeah. You can call me Jay though." I can feel my hands getting sweaty. God he made me nervous.

"Cool. My name's Ryan," he replied. We look back to the front when we hear the teacher call our names.

The rest of the day went by quick. He wasn't in any of my other classes except gym, in which he just hung out with all the girls. I was walking home when it started to pour. I looked up at the sky and sighed. I didn't have a jacket with me today, so all I had on was a t-shirt. As I was walking I heard someone behind me but I didn't bother to look behind me. I just figured it was some kid who came to bother me. That's when I felt a jacket get placed on my shoulders. I look next to me to see Ryan.

"N-no that's okay, you can keep it. I'm okay," I stuttered. He shrugged and took the jacket back. I stop for a moment. He stops as well and looks at me, confused. "Why are you being so nice to me? Why not just ignore me like everyone else?" I question him. He shrugs and looks down.

"I dunno. I don't really understand why everyone is so against you though. I mean, you seem pretty cool.." He explains, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I stand there for a moment, not saying anything. I look up into the sky, the rain coming down heavier now, soaking both of us. I turn back to Ryan.

"Thank you," I stated. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Well I gotta get home. See you tomorrow Jay," he responds and jogs off. I stand there for another moment or two then I head home as well.


Short chapter but oh well.

Should i keep going w the story???

~Kaitlyn 😁

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