Non-existant ninjas

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Tony's P.o.v

Her words became slurred and her eyelids fluttered. It looked like she was really tired, I guess she would be since she took a flight all the way from England today. Poor girl. Jaime was talking about his guitar techniques to Mike who was feigning interest and Kursten who was falling asleep. Vic got up and started to tidy things up our stuff and make us feel at home or the night.

Suddenly, I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked down to see Hannah's innocent face resting there. Her eyes were closed and I could see her long, dark lashes contrast against her pale face. Her red lips were shut and looked so inviting.....

I looked up from her sweet face and asked what to do with her. Vic walked over strait away and lifted her off my shoulder and carried her to the bed. She mumbled something that we couldn't make out and then she wrapped her arms around Vic's neck. He lay her down and tucked her in. He was so gentle with her, I wondered what he was thinking.

Vic's P.o.v

Tony looked up to Mike and Tony and asked what to do with her. For some reason, I didn't want anybody to touch her, so I walked over before and of them could respond and I carried her myself to the bed. She wrapped her arms around my neck on the way there. She wasn't very, despite her hight.

She looked so cute, laying in the bed I should've been sleeping in. I sat down next to her and thought about the recent events in my life. I thought about Cara and how things didn't work out between us. Sometimes I miss her, sometimes I'm glad we split up. There was no definite reason for our break up, I guess we just weren't in love as much as we were before. I know it was really hard for us to stay together when I'm always I tour, but if we were really soul mates, then we would of found a way.

I turned my head to Hannah. She seemed to really get along with the band, I could tell that everybody loved her. Even Mike, who was at best of times could be judgmental. I think Tony is developing a crush on her, but I can't be certain I'll have to keep an eye on him. I don't know why I'm so protective of her, but I just can't shake the feeling.

Sighing, I left Hannah to sleep and join the boys. Tony looked at me for a while longer than the others, but then he returned to his normal self.

"What do you all think of her.?" I asked them, interested.

"She is really funny, I think she is going to be on my side when I prank you all.!" Jaime said with a grin. Yes, we all knew about Jamie's love for pranks. We knew very well. We all just groaned at him, and he replied with a wink.

"She seemed pretty nervous in the beginning, but I think she adapted to us well. She's pretty cool, we're going to have a good three months," Mike said, I was surprised because that's quite a compliment, coming from him.

"I'm tired, going to bed. Night sexicans." Tony yawned and walked to the bathroom, followed by the rest. We washed then climbed into bed. Hannah was sleeping in my bed, so I decided to sleep on the floor next to her.


Everyone groaned and said "Oh Jaime, GROSS.!"

This was followed by a many giggle and the lights were turned out.

Hannah's P.o.v

I moaned and cracked an eye open. It was pitch black. I looked around the unfamiliar hotel room. Looking down, I saw Vic asleep on the floor next to me and the memories of last night came flooding back to me. I smiled, remembering my conversation with the boys last night. Even though we were just talking, I felt like I had bonded well with them all. Especially Mike, he seemed like he understood me.

I stretched and got out of bed, careful to avoid waking Vic. I looked down at him, and took in his appearance. It's weird, I haven't actually looked at him properly yet. He had a nice shape face, with full lips that looked so soft; they were pulled into a slight smile, he must of been be having a good dream. His shoulder length hair was strewn everywhere and his breath came out slow and steady. I noticed his nose piercing, usually nose piercings wouldn't look well on guys, but it seemed to fit him well. Looking at the clock, it read 2:38 in the morning in bright red letters. Why did they have such blinding clock numbers, I thought, rubbing my eyes.

Slipping on my shoes, I headed for the door.

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