We've both got friends on the other side....

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You're just seeing things Nico, shadows and voodoo dolls aren't following you. Your just hallucinating. Just calm yourself, everything's fine.

I was deep thought, trying to make my mind sane again. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I looked to see a voodoo doll bump into Percy' s leg. I thought he wouldn't notice, but he looked down and stared at it in confusion as it walked away.

He saw it?!?!

The voodoo doll walked past the tables, making its way to yours truly. It looked at me as if waiting for something. I kicked it away, it hitting the wall.

“Stupid dolls..." I muttered, picking at my food. I looked out of the pavilion to see a few weird things. First, a monkey with a pistol was walking out. Two, I saw what looked like three wolves or coyotes or something like that coming from the woods. Third, there was a walking bathtub. An actual bathtub, chains with bear traps on the end and various other tortures poking out, making its way into the woods with something struggling in a bag. I thought for a bit before getting up and walking out, following the weird tub. No one noticed me leave except Leo, who was looking at the bath nervously, but he probably thought I was leaving like I usually did. Hazel didn't notice she was so deep in thought to look up.

My walk turned into a slight jog as I followed it, making sure it didn't notice me if it could. It walked like it had some sort of purpose. The struggling in the bag I realized was a person, a girl.

“HELP, SOMEONE, GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!!!! I DIDN'T GET SET FREE TO  DRAGGED SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!" The voice was muffled so what was most likely screams sounded more like quiet talking. I knew I didn't recognize the voice, but I knew it wasn't a camper. I saw something flash from the corner of my eye and stopped. There, stood a dark and boney man with a hat and a necklace with bones as pendants. Something about him was familiar.

“Hello, I see I'm in the presence of a king." He stated. “The Ghost King, it's an honor."

“Who the Hades are you?!" I growled, my hand going to my sword. The man laughed.

“Doctor Facilier, at your service." He bowed and, tipping his hat down.

Facilier..... That name sounds so familiar...

“That's nice." I stated, seeing the tub getting away from me. “Well I must be off-"

“DON'T YOU DISRESPECT ME, LITTLE BOY!!!" He yelled, pointing his walking stick at my face, making me jump back at the sudden action.  “Don't you deregat or derive!!!"


“Your I'm my world now, not your world." Doctor Facilier pointed to  a door that wasn't there before. It had a sight over it that read 'Dr. Facilier, Voodoo Emporium.' He looked back to me. “But we've both got friends on the other side!!!"

You've both got friends on the other side!!!" I heard multiple voices as the door opened. Dr. Facilier steered me inside.

That's an echo, Nico.

Just a little something we have here in my world,

a little magic and spirits, don't worry." He almost sung, a bit of music playing out of nowhere. Why the heck is this guy singing??? Inside were books and cabinets, a round table with three chairs in the center of the room on a elevated platform. Candles were suddenly lit and a light shone on the table. Something about this guy, the song, and this place was nagging at my mind, like  I should recognize it.

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