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After Angie and Jeremias were finished with their classes, they decided to get dinner together. (German told Esmeralda he had a meeting with his lawyers).

The waiter came by to check on them. "What would you like to drink?"

"A bottle of wine, please." Jeremias said. 

"Red or white?" The waiter asked.

"Red." Angie said. 

"Alright, I'll be right back with that for you." The waiter turned and left.

"Thank you." Angie said.

"So, Jeremias, how's your aunt doing?"


Your aunt, the one I met."

"Oh yeah, she's doing fine."

"Well that's good to hear."

The waiter came back with the wine and 2 glasses. "Here you go. Are you ready to order?"

"Yes. I'll have the Cordero." Angie said.

"And I'll have the Asado." Jeremias said.

"Will that be all?" The waiter asked.

"Yes." Angie said.

**********1hr later**********

"Wow, I can't believe we drank that whole entire bottle!" Angie laughed. 

"I know right." Jeremias laughed too. "You know what, I'll pay, if you let me take you home with me." 

"Ok!" Angie said still laughing.

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