Morning After

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Jeremias woke up first, luckily for him, so he had redressed by the time Angie woke up.

Angie slowly opened her eyes. She put her hand on her head. Her head hurt like hell. 

"Morning sleepy head." Jeremias said. He had been watching the news on the tv in their hotel room.

"Morning, wait what, Jeremias, why are you-, where are we-...ohh, yeah, I forgot about last night." She got up to get some of Jeremias' breakfast, but suddenly laid back down under the blanket again. She hadn't realized she wasn't wearing anything. "Last night, did we..."


"Oh, okay."

She got up again, but this time ran got her clothes and ran into the bathroom. "You don't have to run Angie. Already seen it all."


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