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Another gunshot went off, and it was music to my ears. They think they can really defeat me. They have no idea what I'm capable of. There are no limitations of what I can do, although these cowards are stupid enough to believe otherwise.


Another. I curve my lips into a small smile as I listen.


I began to get irritated. Where was my family? They should have been here for me if they cared... If they loved me.

but they didn't show up. Not even Derek! I roll my eyes in disappointment.

Suddenly, the Earth shook. I could feel my legs struggling to hold it's posture and to stay afoot. I  braced myself for another. There was nothing. Absolutely no sound.

I'm deaf. The gunshots were so loud, they made me deaf.

Unbelievable. First they try to murder me, and as if that wasn't enough, they make me deaf in the process.

I tilt my head to my right side hitting my hand against my other ear, like they do in those commercials where the kid gets water in his ear.

"Isabel!" I hear someone shouting in the distance.


"Well it's about time you showed up I was..." My stomach lurched forward. I must have tripped on a rock that some idiot left lying around. I fell down into a cave, I think it was... hard to tell. I felt like I was Alice in Alice in Wonderland falling down a rabbit hole, except this most certainly was NOT a rabbit hole. 

Before finishing my thought, my I reached the bottom of the hole headfirst knocking me unconscious. 

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