Chapter 1

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Quick Authors Note before this chapter ACTUALLY gets started:

Depression is a very serious thing and no one should have to turn to that for a last resort. If you ever feel the need to, leave a comment about it or message me saying that you need to talk. I will always be here for you🙂

Well that's enough of my rambling, Enjoy the chapter,      🌵My Cacti🌵


Jason's POV
I wake up to my father and mother screaming at each other. Again with this bull shit.. I climb out of bed, rushing around to get my school belongings. I go to walk down stairs, when I grab my headphones and my phone. Let's just hope Mitch and Ty are waiting for me outside.. I sigh, beginning to open my door. I suddenly stop, as I here footsteps start to walk up the stairs. I quickly close my door and climb out of the window. I grab ahold of the rope I tied to the window.

I climb down it and reach the bottom in record time. I run to the front of the house, bumping into someone. I fall backwards. "Jason! Come on, let's hurry before you get hurt even more!" Ty states, pulling me off the ground. "Okay." I reply simply. We walk off towards the school. "Ready for another week?" Mitch asks sarcastically. I sigh. "If the one person I was in love with, didn't have to be my bully, then yes. I feel like there is NO ESCAPE in life, WHATSOEVER!" I exclaim. Mitch and Ty know about me being gay, and they completely support it because they are as well. And their crushes are ASLO their bullies.

Ty pats my back. "Don't turn to it Jason.. You'll be fine. School's almost out." He says, sighing mid sentence. I sigh sadly, as we stop a few feet away from the school. "Easy for you to say Ty... I HAVE to turn to it.. You know exactly how my parents and siblings treat me.. Like shit.. It's the only way I relieve the stress that always builds up.." I state, my wrists beginning to burn. I hiss in pain quietly. "How many did you do last week? Including the weekend?" Mitch questions, pulling out a bottle of pain killers. "At least 4 times a day, for 7 days. Which equals: 28." I respond, sighing after.

"You'll wish you hadn't done that today Jason.. Here come our bullies." Ty whispers. I nod slightly to him, then turn around to be met with Ian. My bully and High School crush. "Good morning Ian! How was your weekend?" I ask, trying not to sound suspicious. Ian glares daggers at me. "Fine." He replies plainly. Ian readies his fist, going for either a punch to the face or a punch to the stomach. Luckily, he chose my stomach. Thank god, if dad saw this; he'd encourage it to keep going until I was merely dead on the pavement. I glance at Mitch as I fall to the ground. Mitch was getting punched multiple times by Jerome, his High School crush and bully.

While Ty was only getting merely slapped and kicked, by Adam. Adam was the High School Basketball Team Captain. Jerome was the Football Team Captain. While Ian, well; he was technically the ruler of the fucking school itself. Everyone loved him. Wanted to be with him. Wanted to be noticed by him(*cough*Notice me SENPI~*cough*). However, if you count brutal beatings from your crush being noticed by them a thing, then go for it. Ian stopped, backing up after a good 10 minuets or so. I smile internally, but near the verge of tears on the outside. Adam and Jerome back off of Mitch and Ty, who were in the same position on the pavement. All three of us were shaking and covered in bruises and blood patches.

A bell rings and our bullies begin to walk away. "Same time tomorrow?" I call back. Once they leave out of site, I sit up shakily. "M-Mitch? T-Ty?... Are... Are you guys okay?" I stutter. Mitch sits up, grabbing his shoulder. Ty just lay there. Mitch and I crawl over to him. "Ty? Ty buddy... Stay with us.." I said, shaking him. Ty's eyes were open, and he was breathing just fine. "Ty.. Wake up.. Snap out of it!" Mitch exclaims, snapping his fingers in our friends' face. Ty shakes his head slightly. "S-Sorry for worrying you guys.. I-It's just.. N-Nevermind.. I'll tell you guys later. Let's just go to class. We're already as late as is.." Ty began stuttering, and soon regaining his confidence. Mitch and I nod to Ty, helping him up off the ground where he was still lying down.

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