Chapter 10: Gallant

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Jimin observed the tiny snowflakes crossing the frosty air outside the big window of the Hall. They were gathering in a small mountain on the window sill, blinding white reflecting the pale sunbeams that managed to bring light to that cold December day. His eyes were almost closed, his field of vision reduced to a narrow slit in which the lights flickered on the snowy surface, making everything else disappear.

"Christmas is coming," Jimin muttered under his breath, voice muffled by the presence of his own hand pressing on his lower lip. His head tilted from side to side occasionally as it rested on his arm, which was bent on the big table.

"Yeah." Jungkook smiled at the Hufflepuff's awe for the the winter scenery. Every single year he would be stunned by the big trees all around the garden standing tall against the dark walls of the school building. He would be amazed by the incredibly bright world covered by a stormy grey sky. He would admire the eerie silence sovereign inside of Hogwarts that systematically took over some days before the students left for Christmas.

"Are you going home this year?" Jungkook asked, already knowing the answer. Jimin never missed an opportunity to see his family. Every year he left with a big smile on his face, sure that he would have missed his dearest friends but excited at the idea of spending some quality time with his parents and his sister; even if Jihyun was physically near him all year long, he was upset at the thought of rarely seeing her as she was in a different House.

"Why are you even asking me?" Jimin chuckled, extending his arm to the other side of the wooden table to grab the Slytherin's hand. His small fingers were threatening to disappear in the big and warm sleeve of his sweater but they eventually managed to hold onto longer, slender ones.

Jungkook just pulled a face to him, another grin stretching his lips. His thumb caressed lightly the soft skin under his touch. There was no point in trying to defend himself from the smaller boy, he wouldn't have wanted to hear his excuses all over again, especially because after some years 'sorry, I forgot' was no longer considered as a valid excuse.

"What about you?" Jimin inquired with a soft tone.

"I'm... I don't know." Jungkook let out a sigh, honestly not knowing what to tell to his boyfriend. He didn't want to lie, he wanted to share what had been troubling him for quite some time.

"I don't exactly want to go home," he confessed, looking straight into his eyes and pursing his lips into a thin line. That was going to be difficult to explain.

"Yah, tell me something I don't know!" Jimin tried to keep his bubbly behavior even if he sensed the other boy becoming stiff and nervous. He wanted him to be at ease when talking to him about personal issues; after all, he was there also to help him through his dark moments.

"I don't think there's something you don't know, then." Jungkook was aware of Jimin's sensitive side, and a resigned expression took over his face when he realized that the other boy had probably known all along his family issues, issues that he did not want to face that Christmas.

"But there is something you don't know," Jimin pointed his short pudgy finger to the Slytherin's chest, making him retreat back in confusion. What was he talking about?

"I thought I've already told you," the orange haired boy continued as the puzzled expression on Jungkook's face was starting to morph into an horrified one.

"What is it?" The dark haired boy was starting to feel hot and cold under his heavy woolen sweater.

"You really don't remember?"

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