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A/N: Surprise! I'm back. Okay, let's cut to the chase. A person ( weirdoe_142 ) commented on two of my short stories (Lost In The Woods and A Phone Call). On Lost In The Woods they asked for an ending. By their response to A Phone Call, I'm guessing they might want to know how that ended. So, I'm gonna do my best to go back to my younger self and use my writing knowledge I have now to form endings for both. Enjoy (or don't, I don't mind)!
Lost In The Woods:
I scramble turning this way and that trying to find the shore. It's too far on either side to see in the darkness. I see my breath in the cool air. I know someone has to be looking for me by now, but if I don't get out of this river I'm going to die, rather it be from hypothermia or drowning. It's taking all I have to keep my head above the water. I see what looks like a log coming up and when I slam into it I grab onto it. It's been there for too long though and the place I grab breaks off. I scream before I go under the water due to the current. I manage to break the surface again and set my mind to paddling to the right shore. I use every ounce of energy I have to avoid hitting anything and to drive myself to the edge. I see what looks like the shore and dig in deep. I can barely feel anything, and I feel so tired, but I can't sleep yet. I'm using more and more energy to stay awake than to swim, and when I feel the bottom of the river bed with my foot I dig both feet in and crawl out of the river. When I'm out of the water I lay down on the shore. I hear voices, and I scream out trying to call for help, but I realize that it's probably all my imagination.
       I wake up to a cold thing poking my face and then a loud noise. I open my eyes and there's a dog standing over me barking. I hear the voices again and then people running.
       "She's over here!" someone calls. I don't recognize the voice, but I hear my parents' voices. I try to sit up, but I end up falling backwards. The dog looks at me like it's annoyed then goes back to barking. Before I know it I'm surrounded by officers and then my parents are wrapping me in a warm hug. I knew someone was looking for me. It just took enough time to find me.
A/N: Not the best, but it's what I could come up with. Sorry if you don't like it. I do my best when it comes to writing.

A Phone Call:
       It's been six months since I heard from Matt. He hasn't called, and I know he was supposed to be home sometime recently. He's not though, but they haven't come to my door with the flag. I walk down the hall from the kitchen to our bedroom and change clothes. I still have to go to work and continue with my life. I play with my engagement ring pretty much every day just hoping for a sign he'll come home. I walk to my garage and hop in my car and drive to work. When I get there I get a call from an unknown number. I let it ring until the end and hope for a voicemail. After a few minutes of not getting a voicemail I get out and go into work.
As I drive home I fiddle with my engagement ring with the hand not on the steering wheel. I get a call from the same number, but I don't answer. When I pull into my garage and walk into our house something feels off. I can't put my finger on it though. I feel like my heart is breaking into a million pieces, and I can't figure out why it feels like that. I hear the doorbell and tense up. No one ever rings the doorbell. I walk to the door stiffly and unlock it. When I open the door I meet a green eyed, black haired man with the most adorable smile.
"Hey, sweetheart. I told you I'd be home in a couple months," he says.
"Oh my god, Matt," I gasp jumping into his arms and hugging him. I'm in tears, but I don't remember starting to cry. He holds me close and doesn't let me down. He carries me into the house and closes the door with his foot. I can't stop crying or smiling.
       "I'm sorry it took longer than expected, but I'm here now, and I'm never leaving again," he says.
       "You're home for good, Matt?" I question unbelievingly.
       "Yes, I am, Allie. Don't think I forgot about our wedding," he says when he sees me playing with my engagement ring. I smile brightly and hug him again just to make sure he's real.
A/N: I definitely liked this ending more. Not sure if you guys will, but if you don't it's okay.

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