The truth must be told......Right?

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Sorry about this.... but wattpad seperated the last two chapters that I had posted... everyone has already read this but still like this chaper and all. Thanks!!!


He came back for me!!!! I would have screamed with joy and screamed with the pain, but I was mentall and physically exhausted for the day. "Thanks Eli" I muttered. Then I went to sleep. Right there in the dark night, while my foot roared with pain and Eli still wrapping me in, what I'm guessing a splint. It felt like I slept a whole 5 seconds before I was jolted awake by being shaken violently. "I can't carry you, Opal. Get your self up now." He said in a gruff whisper. I nodded my head. He stood up and and stuck his hand down to me. I grabbed it and he gently pulled me up. He treated me life a porcealn doll.

He quickly glanced around and then motioned for me to follow. He took off in the dense and dark jungle. I followed, and winced with every step I took. "Wait, do you even know where your going?" I whisper asked. He turned his head back to me and even through it was dark I could tell he was giving me this, DO I LOOK STUPID? look. Then just like that, we were off agian. Dodging and weaving through the dark and away from spot lights.

2 Housr passed and both legs had long since gone numb except for the growing pain in my foot, which was the only thing that reminded me that I even had legs. How is Eli keeping the same pace? He has only slowed down a couple times for me or for ceritan noises that he heard. I was sweating so much that every few steps that I managed to take, I had to wipe my forhead so that the sweat didn't burn my eyes like it had done countless other times.

"Eli, please I"- breath- "can't go"- breath deeply- " Anymore". I let myself fall to the ground. "Get up Opal." He hissed. "No." I hissed back. "I can't go any further. I'm done." I said it unashamed. There was no way that I could possible move another inch. I was surprised that I had even made it this far. "We are almost there..." He said coldly. "Get Up!" he used his normal vollumed voice. I shivered at his commanding tone.

There was nothing to be done, my eyes were already beginning to droop down even though I tried to force them to stay open. "So help me Opal, If you go to sleep on me, I will leave you!" He growled. "Then go already." I spoke into the dirt. Why is he frustrated with me? I can't handle this level of physicality. My arms were bruised from the tireing fight with the man in the computer lab, I broke my ankle, and supporting most of my weight on the other leg has wiped every last morsal of energy from my body. Not even adrenaline could keep me awake or moving tonight. "Go on and leave!" I repeated with my normal volume voice.

"Fine, you leave me with no choice." He said. He fumbled around in a black duffle bag that I hadn't even noticed that he had. Probably because of the fact that we were running around a dark and dangerous jungle, away from guys with guns and not to mention the animals that hunt at night. I coundn't see what he was doing but he had zipped up the bag and was looking around. He picked up stuff off the ground and then looked at me with a disapointed face. He looked like a brother who was about to be horribly mean his sister. OH Crap.....He walked back to me, since he was leading, grabbed me by the waist and hauled me up, roughly. But i thought I was a doll? So much for that idea. Since I was too tired to move, I let him duck tape, I think, branches to me. In a few minutes, my legs were being proped up by sticks and a rope was tied around my hands, slave stile, and the tugged me along. I had to shuffle along, and It was super hard to move. I mean, I already can barely move, but now I am being forcefully moved and because of the sticks I can't fall forwards with out the sticks digging into my skin and I can't fall backwards because the rope is too taunt. I could barely breath and I blacked out a couple times.

"We're here Opal." His voice still cold as ice.

I passed out before he uttered another word.


Birds chirping and the warm sun shining warmly on my face is what brought me back to reality. It was so peaceful but....wait. I flew upright and immiatly felt pain protest from every inch of my body. Right below my knee was ducktaped, along with my foot. I tried to wiggle my toes but They didn't respond without sending up a shock wave of pain to my leg. Tears spilled from my eyes. OUCH. "You're such a baby, suck it up Opal." Eli's voice said from the left. I turned and death glared him. HIs hair almost looked black but in the sun I could tell that it was just a dark brown. His brown eyes shimmered. For someone in their 20's he still reminded me of a little boy. He laughed, and I felt like, this is home. I know this laugh from somewhere.

"Eli, who are you really?" I asked seriously. His face turns grin and he sighs. "I am a man searching for redemption. I lost sight of- he paused- well, there are alot of regrets in my life that I aim to fix. That's all I'm telling you." I frowned. Why was he telling me something this deep? Eli seemed to read my thoughts. "I told you that, so you can trust me. I have to go now. You need to stay here, while I go and take care of some buisness." he said. "Buisness?" I echoed. "Ya, and Jessica will check up on you in a day or two." He said and quickly got up and began walking away. "No NO NO NO NOO NOOO NOOOO NOOOOOO!" I yelled at him. "She will come. and YOU WILL NOT DO ANYTHING BAD WHILE I'M GONE, GOT IT?" he said empahsizing every word. He was really starting to sound like an annoying older brother. "Stupid Eli" I thought to myselt. He walked away with the sunlight beaming on his back, and thats when I noticed his side was covered in dried blood.

"Eli Wait!" I called after him. "I'm fine Opal, I'm not hurt. Fix your ankle and try to remember what you've forgotten." He called back behind him without even looking at me. How did he know that I thought he was hurt? How did he know that I didn't remember anything?

Oh well.... "Goodbye Eli, see you soon." I waved goodbye.

I frowned and inwardly screamed, Jessica is coming to town.

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