chapter 6: a great way to wake up

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Spencer's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up on something cold and hard, I looked up to find a sleeping harry. He looked so peaceful and completely different asleep, he had more of an innocent look to his face. My eyes traveled slowly down his chest and continued to go down until I saw his shirt was almost all the way up. I wasn't sure what it was, but I was not scared of him. Instead I felt this connection to him that I could not explain. I bit my lip and looked up one more time making sure he was asleep. I couldn't resist, I traced the outline of his muscles, they were so soft and hard,  God why was he was so perfect. I started to daydream about all of the things I wanted to do to him.

"having fun are we" he said.

I jumped up and turned around embarrassed he had caught me..hopefully he didn't see me blush. "sorry I was just..." I had no idea what I was doing.

"No need to apologize, actually it was cute, but it was hard for me not to laugh" he said laughing

"Wait you were awake the whole time?". 

"Yeah, but I wasn't gonna stop you it's not everyday I have women in my bed while thinking about all the things they want to do to me." 

"Hey you were in my head again". I said while playfully smacking his arm.

"m hmm and I'm even more intrigued about these Ideas of yours" he said sliding his hands up my sides. I laughed and pushed him back. Man this whole mind reading thing is going to be hard to get used to.

"not for me, it's comes in pretty handy sometimes "he said

"okay that's not fair stop reading my mind" I said playfully pushed him off the bed .

"okay now your gonna get it" he said as leaped back on and he began tickling me. Tears were streaming down my face, a mixture of pain and pleasure was coming from my sides from him tickling me so much.

"Harry..stop...I ...can't ....breathe", I said still laughing, he stopped and then I realized he was on top of me. Our eyes met and I smiled, I could feel heat instantly start coming off of my cheeks as I looked at his lips and then back to his eyes.

Harry's P.O.V

She was so beautiful, her eyes, the way she looked at me. I didn't wait, I leaned in until I felt her lips on mine, they were so soft. She didn't even hesitate to kiss back and with in seconds the kiss deepened, her hands pulling me closer to her. I trailing kisses down her jaw, then her neck and then to her collar bone, a tiny moan escaped her mouth and I couldn't help but smirk, knowing what kind of effect I had on her so soon in our relationship. Her hands went to the hem of my shirt and before I could even get up she was pulling it over my head. She pushed me off and climbed on top and immediately started straddling me. I groaned from pleasure as she left kisses down my neck with her hands on my sides. I could feel myself getting riled up and starting to lose control, but I didn't want this to stop. I leaned up to capture her lips again and flipped us to be on top, but the pleasure was soon over as I pushed off and jumped to the wall. My breathing was fast and I could feel that my eyes were black, but I couldn't control myself.  The lust for the taste of her was so over powering, I was ready to pounce. I could hear Spencer speaking to me, but nothing stopped me. I  walked over to her with fangs out, ready to claim what I needed most.

"Harry, Harry are you ok, whats wrong.. harry can you hear me" she said. I could hear the fear in her voice but it only made me more intrigued. Once I was standing in front of her, I pinned her down making sure she couldn't move, I lean into the gape of her neck and was about to bite when she screamed.

"Harry! Harry please no!", I instantly pulled back and I could feel my eyes go back to normal. I jumped off her and looked up at her face, only to see terror in her eyes along with tears streaming down her cheeks. I didn't know what had happened or what to do. I move to comfort her, but she pulled back by movement.

"im so sorry" was all I said before I ran out of the door. I ran down the stairs and out the door, heading straight to the forest. My feet were stumbling as I kept run, but my legs wouldn't have it. I fell to the ground.

"God how could I be so stupid, everyone knows a vampire can't be with a human in that way or the human will die". "I'm so stupid! I almost killed her, the only thing with meaning in my life".

Spencer's P.O.V

Before I could even speak he was gone, he just ran out. I could see he was scared and surprisingly I wasn't. Instead I was worried about him. I went down stairs to go get him only to find he wasn't there. Where was he, I stepped out the outside hoping to find him sitting outside, but there was still no harry.

"Harry...Harry where are you", I waited hoping to here a response, but still nothing. I decided to walked in the forest, maybe I would find him in there. It felt like I had been walking for hours and it was getting darker by the minute. My feet were killing me, I decided to take a break for a couple of minutes, when all of the sudden I heard something coming from ahead. I instantly shot-up and ran to where the sound was coming from, I ran through the trees to find harry curled up next to a tree.

"Harry!" I screamed with joy, I ran over and kneeled down next to him. However he didn't look up when I called him and judging by the way his eyes were closed I could tell he was asleep. How cute, but I was so glad he was okay.

"Harry wake up it's time to go home" I said shaking his arm. He tossed around before he awoke. he looked up at me with shock in his eyes.

"what are you doing here, how did you find me?" he asked.

I was concerned, you just left with out a warning and it's been hours since you left so I decided to go look for you". 

"oh" was all he could say. I smacked his arm hard.

"Ow what was that for?"

"I was worried sick about you I thought something bad happened to you". I said starting to get angry. He sat up and pulled me closer until I could rest my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and it helped me relax."

"i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you or make you worry" he whispered in my ear.

" it's okay, but harry can we please just go home now" 

" sure babe"

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