Chapter 33:

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Chapter 33:

~~~~~~~Rylee's POV~~~~~~~

"Okay guys, you're up!" the stage manager notified my band once everything was set up for us. We started heading onstage when we were stopped by a shout.


We all turned to see Christofer sprinting towards us. "Chris? We've got to go-"

"Paisley's in labor!"

That stopped me, mid-step. "Wh-what? She's not due for another three weeks!"

"Zayn called and said he's taking her to the hospital now. Her water broke and she's having contractions."

I glanced over at my band, who seemed equally as shocked.

"Rylee, do you need to-" Rosie started.

"No," I interrupted. "I'm still performing. Let's do this. We can leave after."

The five of us ran onstage to the chants of "Lost In Wonderland" which never failed to make me smile. We performed our usual setlist, including the newer song I had written.

After the last note of the last song rang out, I called out a goodbye to the people in the crowd. "I'm so glad you all made it this far in the day! I remember passing out at my first Warped Tour in the first twenty minutes. You guys are great. Be sure to go to our merch tent, and you'll get to meet these lovely four people up here with me. Now I'm gonna go be with my friend as she gives birth."

The crowd, though probably confused, screamed as I practically ran offstage and dragged Christofer with me to the buses.

"Do you know when the first flight to California is? Is she already giving birth? Has the baby already arrived? Am I too late? Will-"

"Rylee, Rylee, calm down." Christofer placed his soothing hands on my shoulders. "I've got tickets booked for us. The plane leaves in half an hour. No you're not too late. You'll be fine. Breathe."

I inhaled deeply and let it out. "Thank you. You're a lifesaver." He grinned. "Let's go then, yeah?"

Each of us rushed to throw a few things in our bags and caught a cab to the airport. Twenty minutes later, we were on the plane, ready to take off.

I subconsciously gripped Christofer's hand, hardly noticing. He didn't seem to mind, though he did try to calm me down again.

"We'll make it in time, Ryles. And even if we don't, you'll be the first to see your godchild."

I smiled half-heartedly. "Thanks Chris. How long is this plane ride?"

"Three hours," he replied, leaning back in his seat. I copied him and sighed. I was going to meet my godchild.

Three hours later, the plane was descending, and I was more nervous than ever.

"What are you freaking over now?" Chris inquired as we walked off the plane.

"What if the baby doesn't like me?" I asked softly.

"Oh my god," Chris groaned, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a stop. He placed his hands on my shoulders for the second time that day, and stared into my eyes. "Rylee. You are the coolest and prettiest girl I have ever met. You have a band and freaking rainbow hair. You can obviously sing. You've gotten too many guys to fall for you. No one in their right mind would not like you."

I blushed and smiled, then grabbed his hand and pulled him to baggage claim, then out into the California air. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Christofer," I commented.

He let out a small laugh. "I'm sure you'd survive."

I shrugged. "But I wouldn't want to."

If I didn't know better, I'd say I saw the boy blush, but that wouldn't make much sense. We caught a cab to the hospital that Paisley and Zayn were at, then ran inside to get the room number.

We were told to wait in the waiting room outside the labor hall, as we weren't allowed in the room while Paisley was giving birth.

I turned to Chris, smiling. "We made it. Thank God for long births."

He outright laughed at that and plopped himself into one of the chairs nearest the door. I followed his lead and settled in next to him.

"I'm going to be the cool godmother," I assured myself, and Chris chuckled so I glanced at him. "I'm going to be the fairy godmother."

He snorted. "You going to grant wishes?"

I shrugged. "As many as I can. I'm going to spoil that child. Paisley is going to hate me for it."

"I'm sure she'll be alright," he laughed.

Just then, my brother came out into the waiting room wearing blue scrubs. He quickly caught sight of us. "You made it!"

"I know!" I replied, jumping up from my chair to hug him.

"Well, follow me. You're going to meet Kabe."


A New Life (Sequel to Well This Was Unplanned)Where stories live. Discover now